Electronic Dream Plant (EDP) Gnat | Vintage Synth Explorer
EDP's Gnat is a single-oscillator version of the Wasp. It has one digital oscillator and analog circuitry with a basic lowpass resonant filter, an envelope with Attack and Decay controls, an LFO which can modulate the pitch or filter, and a built-in speaker.
EDP Gnat Special Is Low Budget, But ‘Delicious’ – Synthtopia
2018年8月30日 · In this vintage synth review, Jason Jervis takes a look at the vintage Electronic Dream Plant (EDP) Gnat Special (1983) – the deluxe version of the spectacularly low budget Gnat synthesizer. The Gnat showcases what happens when extreme cost-cutting measures meet British ingenuity.
EDP Gnat Special - SERVICED - Analog Synthesizer (+ Swan - Reverb
The Gnat offers simple and traditional synthesis of analog bass, synth and other useful monophonic sounds. It's designer, Chris Hugget, also designed the Oxford Synthesizer Company's OSCar Synthesizer.
Gnat Synthesizer Schematics - Tim Stinchcombe
2023年11月13日 · EDP Gnat Synthesizer Schematics. I originally bought one of these out of idle curiosity - having read all about the Wasp and its use of digital inverters in the analogue section, I couldn't resist buying a Gnat (a 'Special' in fact) when the opportunity arose. It was sold as non-working, and after replacing a few chips, I got it working.
Electronic Dream Plant - Wikipedia
Electronic Dream Plant (EDP) was a small British synthesizer manufacturer, active during the late 1970s and early 1980s. At the time their products were not particularly successful commercially.
EDP GNAT Vintage Analogue Synthesizer Wasp brother
Rare Electronic Dream Plant GNAT. 1osc monophonic synthesizer. The Gnat is beautiful preserved, in complete condition. Here´s only a broken piece of plastic on the right side - see pictures. The synth isn´t fully functional. Here´s a problem with the Oscillator waveform Enhance -it sounds during a strange pulse.
Gnat - synthark.org
The EDP Gnat is a 25 capacitive key monophonic synthesizer, featuring a single oscillator (pulse, saw, noise waveforms), a resonant low-pass filter, vibrato LFO (sine, saw:up|down, square, or random waveforms), (AD) envelope, 7 pin DIN port, and portamento (glide).
Electronic Dream Plant Gnat hybrid synth - Reverb
The EDP Gnat is the slimmed-down version of the EDP Wasp, yet it has its own buzzy attitude that holds its own. The built-in speaker provides a nasty bite, much harsher than its stinging counterpart, and the filter radiates menace at its higher settings, swarming around your head.
EDP Gnat (Special) - Specifications, pictures, prices, links, reviews ...
The gnat came in 3 versions; Standard - plastic casing, tiny speaker, touch sensitive keyboard, black and yellow keys, white and yellow knobs. Special - wooden casing, no speaker, touch sensitive keyboard, black and gold keys (inverted), black and white knobs.
EDP Gnat Hybrid Synthesizer - sequencer.de
ABOUT Einoszillatoriger Wasp mit einem DCO und LPF statt multimodefilter - EDP war mitten in der Boomzeit der Synthesizerwelle, ein günstiger kleiner und sehr britischer Synthesizer, der mit trickreich konstruierten "digitalen" Filtern klanglich garnicht so übel war. Der Wasp hatte Folientasten, es gab aber auch eine Deluxe-Version , die aber ...