edxia: Microstructure characterisation from quantified SEM-EDS ...
2021年3月1日 · To illustrate the robustness of the edxia approach, a CEM I Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and blended system were chosen as examples of cementitious microstructures with different levels of complexity. More specifically, the blended system is a limestone calcined clay (LC3) cement paste [22].
Microstructural developments of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3 ...
2022年3月1日 · In this paper, a detailed study of phase assemblage, porosity evolution and microstructural development was conducted on LC 3 samples hydrated up to 3 years and compared to 90 days specimens. It was observed that the reaction of clinker phases and metakaolin continues between 90 days and 3 years, even after depletion of portlandite.
Hydration and phase assemblage of ternary cements with calcined …
2019年10月20日 · Additional ettringite is formed when gypsum content is increased in LC 3. The limestone reactivity reduces when gypsum is increased in LC 3. This study aims to understand the impact of calcined clay, limestone and gypsum on the hydration mechanisms and phase development in limestone calcined clay cement (LC 3).
Development of the Microstructure in LC3 Systems and Its …
2017年10月28日 · The results are supported by compositional analysis of the microstructure by Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The durability potential of this improved microstructure development seen in LC3 and its effect on the chloride ingress in comparison with OPC and FA30 concretes after an extended period of curing (1 ...
compositional analysis of the microstructure by Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) anal‐ ysis and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The durability potential of this improved micro‐ structure development seen in LC3 and its effect on the chloride ingress in comparison with OPC and FA30 concretes after an extended period of curing (1 year) is also discussed.
SEM-EDX analysis of (1) UT; (2) LC8-treated; and (3) PC8-treated ...
Pakistani clays can be utilized as SCM in the production of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) due to the country’s vast kaolin clay reserves.
Effects of clay type and component fineness on the hydration and ...
2024年9月16日 · Limestone calcined clay cement (LC 3) is emerging as an alternative to Portland cement, offering economic advantages, reduced CO 2 emissions, and mechanical properties on par with Portland cement. Central to the effective utilization of LC 3 is understanding how the fineness of its components affects its performance.
AFm (carboaluminates and strätlingite) relative proportions in LC 3 ...
Using calcined clays and limestone powder for clinker substitution to make a tertiary blend, known as limestone calcined clay cement (LC3), is a promising emerging technology.
(PDF) Simple automation of SEM‐EDS spectral maps
2022年3月15日 · In this paper, we use SEM-EDX hypermaps to quantify the chloride sorption in hydrated an C3S paste, after equilibrium in solutions of chloride salts (NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2), with and without...
Simple automation of SEM‐EDS spectral maps analysis with …
In a recent article, we described the edxia framework, a user‐friendly framework to analyse the microstructure of cementitious materials using SEM‐EDS hypermaps. The manual approach presented was shown to be efficient to answer the relevant scientific questions. However, it is limited for batch analysis and (semi‐)automated treatments.