GIPHY - Be Animated
Find the GIFs, Clips, and Stickers that make your conversations more positive, more expressive, and more you.
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白e下载了好多本子,里面的数据一般藏在手机的那个文件夹里,好难找. 我好像出了点bug。 原本的号可以进里站,最开始也在网页实验过了。 换了新版软件就进不去里站了,这时候网页端里站也进不去。 但是旧版软件依旧可以进里站,怎么回事呢. 而且在电脑上复制的时候也复制不了。 我的方法是:第一步! (强调,不能保存下载具体内容,只有历史,空壳,内容需要再次下载,其它数据不变) 第二步! 打开老版eh→设置→下载→下载路径(选择默认下载位置,如果没有就忽 …
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gif 文件的数据,是一种基于 lzw 算法的连续色调的无损压缩格式。 其压缩率一般在 50%左右,它不属于任何应用程序。 GIF 格式可以存多幅彩色图像,如果把存于一个文件中的多幅图像数据逐幅读出并显示到屏幕上,就可构成一种最简单的动画。
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Animated GIF Maker
The GIF maker allows you to instantly create animated GIFs by combining separate image files as frames. Produced GIFs are high quality and free of watermarks or attribution, making this tool ideal for developers and content creators.
Gif GIFs - Tenor
With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Gif animated GIFs to your conversations. Share the best GIFs now >>>
GIF Maker - Imgflip
Make GIFs from Youtube, Vimeo, Giphy, and many other video websites. Just copy and paste the video URL. Make GIFs from videos on your phone or computer. You can upload almost any video format to make your own GIF, but .mp4 videos are best because then you can instantly preview your GIF with our video player. Make GIFs from existing GIFs.
9,000+ Free GIFs & Stickers for Download - Pixabay
Free download of best GIFs, and most popular sticker images. Share your favorite funny GIFs, cute GIFs, happy birthday GIFs, reaction GIFs, cool GIFs with everyone.
EhViewer:轻量级且高性能的漫画探索神器 - CSDN博客
EhViewer 开源项目教程 项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ehv/Ehviewer 1. 项目介绍 EhViewer 是一个针对 E-Hentai.org 设计的高效 轻量级 第三方客户端,它采用了 Material Design 3 和动态颜色支持,旨在提供流畅的用户体验。