Molecular interplay between EIF4 family and circular RNAs in …
2023年9月5日 · Recent research has shown that circRNAs work with EIF4s to promote translational sloppiness and oncogenic genetic processes, which can influence the malignant phenotypic transformation of malignancies. In this review, we focus primarily on the historical discovery of biological functions for the EIF4 family profile in cancers.
Dynamically regulated two-site interaction of viral RNA to ... - Nature
2023年8月28日 · The IRES from encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) interacts with eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 G (eIF4G), recruiting the ribosomal subunit for translation. Here, we analyze the three...
eIF4E-independent translation is largely eIF3d-dependent
2024年8月6日 · We study here how mRNAs are translated in an eIF4E1-independent manner by blocking eIF4E1 using a constitutively active version of eIF4E-binding protein (4E-BP). Via ribosome profiling we identify...
An accurately preorganized IRES RNA structure enables eIF4G …
2016年8月15日 · As a first step toward assembling ribosomes, the EMCV IRES element is designed to directly interact with HEAT-1, the first of the three HEAT domains of eIF4G 13, 14. This interaction is enhanced...
蛋白质翻译的起始阶段(二) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
内部核糖体进入位点(IRES),是在病毒mRNA中首先发现的一种顺式元件,可以借助IRES 反式作用因子(ITAF),将核糖体募集到病毒mRNA中的特定起始密码子,从而允许非帽依赖的翻译起始。 一些病毒利用IRES劫持宿主翻译机制,关闭帽依赖性翻译,同时保持病毒蛋白翻译。 但IRES介导的翻译并不仅限于病毒。 已经证明IRES元件在辐射、缺氧、血管生成、凋亡和营养物质剥夺等条件下具有活性。 哺乳动物中具有IRES的mRNA。 themedicalbiochemistrypage. 所 …
IRES interaction with translation initiation factors: functional ...
Remarkably, IRES mutants severely affected in their interaction with eIF4B showed a mild reduction in IRES activity when tested in the context of a bicistronic expression vector in transfected cells. Finally, we provide evidence of the interaction of eIF4GII with FMDV IRES, the RNA determinants for this interaction being shared with its ...
Additionally, eIF4A engages in complex and close interactions with other eukaryotic initiation factors, playing a key role in both cap-dependent and IRES-mediated translation initiation processes. This article primarily reviews the functions and structures of eIF4A, and the mechanisms of eIF4A in cap-dependent and IRES-mediated translation ...
IRES interaction with translation initiation factors: Functional ...
2001年9月25日 · Translation initiation promoted by picornavirus internal ribosome entry site (IRES) elements is dependent on the association of specific IRES sequences to the initiation factor eIF4G. However the RNA determinants interacting with other components of the translational machinery are still unknown.
The Initiation Factors eIF2, eIF2A, eIF2D, eIF4A, and eIF4G
2018年2月13日 · One such strategy is the use of internal ribosome entry site (IRES) elements, which circumvent the requirement for some eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs). Much effort has been directed to unravel the precise mechanism of translation initiation by …
Functional diversity of the eukaryotic translation initiation factors ...
2005年7月1日 · Protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells is fundamental for gene expression. This process involves the binding of an mRNA molecule to the small ribosomal subunit in a group of reactions catalyzed by eukaryotic translation initiation factors (eIF) eIF4. To date, the role of each of the four eIF4, i.e. eIF4E, eIF4G, eIF4A and eIF4B, is well established.