PKP Intercity
PKP Intercity offers Express Intercity Premium (EIP) trains for long-distance travel in Poland with online ticket reservations and additional services.
Express InterCity Premium – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Express InterCity Premium (skrót EIP) – najwyższa w hierarchii kategoria pociągów uruchomionych przez spółkę PKP Intercity. Pociągi kategorii Express InterCity Premium kursują od 14 grudnia 2014.
Express InterCity Premium (EIP) - Interrail
EIP trains run on the important North-South axis in Poland. It connects Warsaw with Gdánsk, the Baltic Sea in the North and three major cities in the South: Krakow, Katowice and Wrocław. EIP trains connect with many other trains in Poland, such as the regional trains or IC trains which can continue your journey to the smaller towns and ...
Express InterCity Premium (EIP) - PKP IC | train types - railcc
Express InterCity Premium (EIP) are the flagship trains of PKP Intercity. The high speed trains are capaple of running up to 250 km/h currently operate at speeds of up to 200 km/h on the lines from Warsaw to Gdansk, Krakow, Katowice and Wroclaw.
EIP Group - Everything is Possible
Usługi EIP Group opieramy o sprawdzone technologie, najlepsze rozwiązania i doświadczenie zespołów. Technologia jest dla nas ważna, jednak w centrum uwagi pozostają ludzie. Wierzymy, że warto działać, pracować i żyć, kierując się empatią. Każdego dnia udoskonalamy swoją pracę. Rozwój możliwy jest tam, gdzie nie ustaje ciekawość.
EIP Group - Everything is Possible
Anything is possible at EIP. This motto guides our actions every day, which is why we always find ways to transform challenges and obstacles into opportunities. We focus on relationships between colleagues and cooperation based on trust. Every voice is important. We share ideas and thoughts. We all have an impact on the growth of the EIP Group.
Poland’s Flagship High-Speed Train – Gdańsk ... - Rail-Away
2023年5月21日 · The EIP trains serve the cities of Gdynia, Gdańsk, Warsaw, Wroclaw, Katowice and Krakow and are capable of running up to 200 km/h on Poland’s rails. European train travel aficionados might recognise these trains that part of the ‘New Pendolino’ family, identical to those in other countries in Europe and China.
Pociąg EIP 8102 przyjazdy i odjazdy - EuroPodróże
Planujesz podróż pociągiem EIP 8102? Sprawdź informacje o składzie, wagonach i układzie miejsc oraz godziny odjazdów i przyjazdów.
Express InterCity Premium | Eurail
EIP trains run on the important North-South axis in Poland. It connects Warsaw with Gdánsk, the Baltic Sea in the North, and three major cities in the South: Krakow, Katowice, and Wrocław. EIP trains connect with many other trains in Poland, such as the regional trains or IC trains which can continue your journey to the smaller towns and ...
On board a Polish EIP train - ShowMeTheJourney
These smart Express InterCity Premium' EIP trains are Poland’s fastest trains - they travel up to 200 km/h on the higher speed line south of Warsaw.