SOHO Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) - NASA
Using either full-disk or subfield images, the EIT can image active regions, filaments and prominences, coronal holes, coronal "bright points," polar plumes, and a variety of other solar …
SOHO EIT synoptic GIF images - NASA
Latest EIT full-field images. Starting 2010 August 1, EIT is obtaining only two sets of images in these four wavelengths per day. The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Atmospheric …
SOHO EIT Catalog Interface - NASA
At the end of 2010 July, SOHO's Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) completed fourteen and a half years of synoptic observations of the low corona. SDO AIA images at much higher …
SOHO-EIT observations: 2001 June 21
SOHO-Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT): Coordinated observations for the total solar eclipse of 2001 June 21. Full-field EIT images during totality (roughly 2001 June 21 12:30 - …
EIT User's Guide - Using images - NASA
To read in a single-image EIT FITS file, use eit_prep like so: IDL> eit_prep, file, header, image which reads the specified FITS file, analyzes the content of the header and applies all the …
SOHO-EIT observations: 2003 November 23 - NASA
SOHO-Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT): Observations near the time of the total solar eclipse of 2003 November 23. Full-field, full-resolution EIT images nearest in time to totality …
SOHO-EIT observations: 1999 August 10 - 11
LASCO and EIT observing plan for 1999 August 11, in tabular form. LASCO Eclipse 99 page with images. SOHO coordination page for eclipse support. A composite white-light eclipse image …
EIT Observations of CMEs - NASA
The image below on the left is an EIT image taken at 23:59 UT on the 14th of October, showing the location of filament. The image on the right is a LASCO C3 image of the halo CME, taken …
SOHO-EIT observations: 1998 February 25 - 26 - NASA
Full-field EIT images during totality in the Caribbean. EIT subfield image sof the south polar hole during totality in the Caribbean, showing the disappearance of a sharp, spikelike structure in a …
Variability of solar EUV structures, as observed in the EIT time sequences, is pervasive and leads to a re-evaluation of the meaning of the term ‘quiet Sun’. Intensity fluctuations in a high …