pET/ELP-I-CAT - Addgene
This plasmid contains the CAT gene, which can be replaced with your gene of interest using the unique BsrG I site (TGTACA) at the end of the intein and one of several sites downstream …
pET/ELP-I-CAT 载体图谱和序列 - 纽普生物
提供 pET/ELP-I-CAT 载体/质粒图谱,全长序列,抗性,大小和元件信息。
pET/ELP-I-CAT载体图谱质粒图谱、序列、价格、抗性、测序引物 …
pET/ELP-I-CAT质粒价格1200元,pET/ELP-I-CAT (爱迪基因#71461 )质粒图谱(map),质粒序列 (Sequence)见下文,质粒抗性为氨苄青霉素,测序引物为T7 to sequence ELP/F1ori-R。
Els Pet Cat Litter Box – elspet-us
Explore our innovative self-cleaning cat litter boxes designed to make pet care effortless. Designed for hassle-free pet care, Els Pet's self-cleaning litter box reduces odors and …
pET ELP-I-MBP 原核表达 载体 ELP-intein 类弹性蛋白表质粒 内含 …
To make this possible without adding any additional residues to the product protein, we created a translationally silent restriction site at the end of the intein (BsrG I). This site starts at …
pET/ELP-I-CAT Sequences (2) - Addgene
Sequence provided by depositing laboratory may be theoretical/predicted or based on Sanger/NGS sequencing results. Discrepancies between sequencing results obtained by …
pET/ELP-I-CAT质粒 - 上海柯雷生物科技有限公司
货号: #71461-20ul 货号 产品名称 规格 库存 价格 数量 购买 #71461-20ul pET/ELP-I-CAT质粒 20ul 立即咨询 +- 产品介绍 相关产品
pET/ELP-I-CAT HZB820774 |产品详情-灰藻生物
产品名称:pET/ELP-I-CAT,货号:HZB820774,用途:蛋白表达,宿主:大肠杆菌; 灰藻生物专注于微生物菌种和分生物资源开发,微生物资源鉴定保藏平台,咨询电话027-81388188
pET/ELP-I-CAT - 大肠杆菌载体 E.coli Vector - 现货质粒菌株 - 质 …
基本信息 联系我们 技术产品咨询1 技术产品咨询2 1173923302 2306278728 客服热线 :17799859611 13989836147 地 址 : 浙江省杭州市萧山区所前镇东藩路62号笨鸟邦科技创业 …