Our Slitter Line has excellent quality of high grade steel such as cold rolled steel plate, color steel plate and aluminum. Slitting (General steel, Silicon steel for CORE) and Embossing process can be carried out at the same time, and protective film …
STEEL EMBO LINE은 단면, 양면 엠보 가공으로 다양한 패턴의 EMBO롤을 보유하고 있습니다. CR 제품은 흔히 냉연강판이라고도 부르며, 열연코일의 스케일 (녹)과 불순물을 산세 과정을 통해 제거한 후 압연기를 통해 상하 방향으로 압축하는 힘을 주어 두께를 얇게 늘이고, 이 과정에서 딱딱해진 재질을 열처리를 통해 개선, 가공성과 표면의 거칠기, 평탄도 등을 확보한 제품입니다. 아연도금강판의 일종인 전기아연도금 강판은 전해법에 의해 냉연강판 또는 열연강판 표면에 …
Tembo Steels (U) LTD | Uganda
Tembo Steels (U) Ltd, a US ISO 9001: 2015 Certified company is the Most Diversified & Integrated Steel Plant in Africa With The Largest Product Portfolio Through Integrated Route Covering All Four Verticals Of Steel. TSUL products are …
We aspire to establish EMSTEEL as a global leader in sustainable steel and building materials production, enriching both our people and our planet.
Embossed Sheet Metal - Textured Sheet Metal | Alliance Steel
Embossed steel is ideal for customers looking to add aesthetic touches or functional improvements to a product. Embossing can help disperse liquid more effectively, reduce friction and static, bolster metal panel stiffness and rigidity, increase metal surface area for acoustic or heat transfer and improve traction.
Design Stainless Product | DSP
DSP manufactures metal plate that combines the functional side based on cutting-edge technologies like high vacuum and organic-inorganic hybrid coating with design, using the ‘Roll to Roll’ method to significantly increase productivity and economical efficiency, DSP has created color stainless junction plate ‘INOXTEEL’ and other world-class prod...
Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for EMBO ALU-STEEL PRIMARY CO-OPERATIVE LIMITED of EAST LONDON, Eastern Cape. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.
embo是什么材料 - 百度知道
2024年10月27日 · embo是一种网格胶材料,它以玻璃织网格布为基材,通过涂覆不干胶乳液进行复合而成。 这种材料具备出色的自粘性和服帖性,同时拥有良好的空间稳定性,使得它在建筑领域中成为防止墙体及吊顶裂缝的理想选择。
24/7 Shop At Home Embo Steel Side Table - Target
This industrial-style side table sits on a modern black-finished steel base. The crack-resilient oak veneer has four finish options: dark oak, antique white, antique gray, or antique blue. Warranty: 1 Year Limited Warranty.
Embolization coil - Infiniti Medical
Embo Coils™ are stainless steel embolization coils intended to be used in conjunction with the Vet Stent-Cava™ and other Infiniti Medical products in the minimally invasive treatment of portosystemic shunts. The coils feature synthetic fibers to enhance thrombogenicity and are available in a variety of sizes.