Access and administer medications from the MAW. It also includes 2 nd nurse witness details and acknowledging your patient’s Blood Glucose Level (BGL), if required.
2019年9月3日 · What is the MAW? • The Medication Administration Wizard (MAW) is designed to support Western Health clinicians in safely administering medications to patients. • The MAW allows scanning of patient wristband to ensure Positive Patient Identification (PPID). • The MAW allows nurses/midwives to indicate
Closed Loop Medication Administration Workflow - HealthCareBC
This help topic provides an overview of the Closed Loop Medication Administration workflow that applies to providers (e.g. midwives) and clinicians (e.g. nurses, respiratory therapists, medical imaging technicians, etc.) who use the Medication Administration Wizard (MAW) and Barcode Scanning when administering medications.
Medication administration MUST be documented using the Medication Administration Wizard (MAW). At the Patient’s bedside open the Patient’s chart and click on the MAW.
This Practice Script and Proficiency Guide have been designed to support the development and consolidation of your EMR skills. The Practice Script section walks you through a patient scenario and asks you to perform several activities in the EMR related to …
2024年5月10日 · EMR(电子病历系统)Electronic Medical Record,也称计算机化的病案系统或称基于计算机的病人记录(CPR,Computer-Based Patient Record)是记录病人诊疗全过程的信息系统,它能够实现病历信息的数字化存储、查询和统计分析。
Medication Administration Wizard - Western Health
The Medication Administration Wizard (MAW) supports Positive Patient Identification (PPID) by incorporating scanning the patient wristband, and the displaying medications due in the administration window
医院EMR系统 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
电子健康记录(Electronic Health Record, EHR)和 电子医疗记录 (Electronic Medical Record,EMR)经常混用,但二者各自有明确的定义。电子健康记录是指患者或群体电子健康信息的纵向集合;而电子医疗记录则是医院或医疗场所创建的患者文件,可作为电子健康记录的数据源。
医疗信息化系统:HIS、LIS、EMR、PACS、RIS等系统概览_his系统 …
2024年11月23日 · 电子病历 (EMR) 系统名称:电子病历. 英文简称:EMR. 英文全称:Electronic Medical Record. 简介:EMR系统实现了病历的数字化管理,方便医生查阅和更新患者信息,提高医疗服务质量。 影像归档和通信系统 (PACS) 系统名称:影像归档和通信系统. 英文简称:PACS
Different Patterns of Medication Administration Between …
2021年7月3日 · The primary object of this study is to analyze the different patterns of medication administration in a medical intensive care unit (MICU) using an electronic medical record (EMR) log data and how these patterns can be different inside and outside the patient room in terms of average process time.