‘air handling unit (AHU)’ means an equipment that includes a fan or blower, cooling and/or heating coils, and provisions for air filtering and condensate drain etc. ‘air-conditioning system’ means …
Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems typically bring conditioned air from PAU and returned air from the air-conditioned space into Air Handling Units (AHU). The air is delivered to each zone …
minimum design requirements on energy efficiency of air conditioning installations. It forms a part of a set of comprehensive Building Energy Codes that address energy efficiency requirements …
空氣處理機組 (AHU) 預測性維護的人工智慧 (AI) 模型 - EMSD
故障預測:人工智慧模型可以預測 AHU 中的潛在故障,例如風扇故障、傳輸系統問題或感測器故障。 效能優化:根據歷史數據和當前條件,提供調整風扇速度、更換空氣過濾器或優化設定點 …
在空氣處理裝置(ahu)系統中採用納米纖維過濾技術,以提高節能效果; 應用納米纖維技術的單階段式空氣過濾系統將在指定場地的試驗中進行評估,並進一步確定該技術是否適用於香港;
Smart Air-filters for Air-handling Unit (AHU) - EMSD
Real-time monitoring particle concentration sensor will be located upstream of the AHU, a motorized hinge will automatically control the main filter like a valve. Operation status and data …
The EMSD adopted the Multi-trade integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MiMEP) approach to replace the air handling unit (AHU) in our Headquarters for the first time, greatly …
Other EE air-conditioning technologies - EMSD
Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems typically bring conditioned air from PAU and returned air from the air-conditioned space into Air Handling Units (AHU). The air is delivered to each zone …
機電工程署 - 機電傳聲 | EMSD - VoiceLink | Issue 71 | 06/2024
The EMSD adopted the Multi-trade integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MiMEP) approach to replace the air handling unit (AHU) in our Headquarters for the first time, greatly …
HK EE NET - Air Conditioning System Air-side System/Equipment - EMSD
Thermal wheel is a heat transfer device with a rotating wheel, which allows the sensible heat transfer between the fresh air intake and exhaust air in an AC system. The air duct …