須填妥本表格 ( 表格LE5) 的第1 部和第 2部及在表格上簽署�. 本署會以申請人提供的通訊資料與申請人聯絡及郵寄函件。如果填報的資料有任何變更,請以書面通知本署�. 請,以免升降機 /自動梯因未能取得有效的准用證而被停用。如果有關檢驗於上一份准用證的屆滿日期結束前的兩個月內完成,准用證的有效期會於上一份准�. 證的屆滿日期後延續一年 ( 升降機 )/ 6 個月( 自動梯)計算。如果該檢驗於其他時間完成,則該准用證的有效期會在完成檢 .
指定表格 (807) - EMSD
表格編號 表格名稱 檔案 [pdf格式] le1: 升降機/自動梯的種類許可申請: le2: 分包升降機或自動梯安裝/保養/主要更改/拆卸工程通知書
Specified Forms (807) - EMSD
2024年11月1日 · (Remark: This form is to be used for applications with periodic examinations of escalators that take place on or after 15 August 2020. Please refer to Circular No. 7/2020 for details.) Please download Acrobat Reader to view the PDF files.
Select Form LE5 (for new installation works) / Form LE (for 7 major alteration works) and continue input.
e-Platform for RCs - EMSD
User manual for preparing examination report for Form LE5 and 7 via e-platform [PDF format (821KB)] Examination Report for Electric Lifts [PDF format (221KB)] Examination Report for Electric Service Lifts [PDF format (110KB)] Examination Report …
Title: 表格5 升降機及自動梯(安全)條例(第327章)第12(2)及39條有關檢驗新安裝升降機或自動梯及測試其安全設備之證明書FORM 5 LIFTS AND ESCALATORS (SAFETY) ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 327) Section 12(2) and 39 Certificate on examination of lift or escalator and on testing of safety equipment provided therefor upon completion of the installation
the EMSD; (h) ISO 93861:2000, ‘P- ower-operated lifting platforms for persons with impaired mobility Rules for safety, dimensions and functional – ...
機電工程署 - 主頁 - EMSD
Login. EXT PROD 2022.04.19
The design and construction of buildings and building works accommodating lift and escalator installations are governed by Building (Construction) Regulation 9A, which specifies performance requirements in broad terms.