FORM LE9 THE LIFTS AND ESCALATORS ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 618) Notification of Failure of Emergency Device(s) of a Lift (Note: This form should be submitted to the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services if the failed emergency device cannot be rectified within 24 hours commencing from the time the failure of the emergency
指定表格 (807) - EMSD
LE9: 升降機緊急裝置故障通知書: LE10: 不能或不願意繼續進行升降機或自動梯安裝/主要更改/保養/拆卸工程通知書: LE11: 申請准許繼續使用及操作升降機的許可證 LE12 (07/2020) 申請准許繼續使用及操作自動梯的許可證 [Form LE12 (07/2020)]
表格 le9 《升降機及自動梯條例》(第 618 章) 升降機緊急裝置故障通知書 (註:如註冊承辦商在獲悉緊急裝置故障後的 24 小時內未能修復緊急裝置,則必須呈交本表 格給予機電工程署署長。) 日期: (日/月/年) 致:機電工程署署長 (傳真: 2504 5970) 第 1 部
機電工程署 - 主頁 - EMSD
Login. EXT PROD 2022.04.19
emsd lift cert form 6 ,form 7 and form8 有什麼分別
2022年11月19日 · Form 5: new lift after re testing submit to emsd Form 6: in case emsd satisify, they will issue and the lift is permitted to use Form 7: lift after modification and after re test, submit to emsd Form 8: in case of emsd satisify, they will issue and the lift is permitted to use
表格 le9 《升降機及自動梯條例》(第 618 章) 升降機緊急裝置故障通知書 (註:如註冊承辦商在獲悉緊急裝置故障後的 24 小時內未能修復緊急裝置,則必須呈交本表 格給予機電工程署署長。) 日期: (日/月/年) 致:機電工程署署長 (傳真: 2504 5970) 第 1 部
gov.sg | EMSD - Singapore Government Directory
5 天之前 · Singapore Government Directory, an online information service to facilitate communication between members of the public and the public services
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FORM LE9 THE LIFTS AND ESCALATORS ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 618) Notification of Failure of Emergency Device(s) of a Lift (Note: This form should be submitted to the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services if the failed emergency device cannot be rectified within 24 hours commencing from the time the failure of the emergency