ENT scope through the nose - HealthBoards Message Boards
2008年3月13日 · I will be going to my gastro doc in a couple of weeks. I am afraid he may send me to an ENT to get the scope through your nose. I have had the other scope 2 times and believe me I was putting that off for a long time. I was wondering if they give you some meds for the scope through the nose like the other scope. I am so afraid of having that test.
What can an ENT see when he uses the scope to view the vocal …
2008年4月19日 · My Cleveland Clinic ENT knew instantly by doing a regular scope I had vocal cord paralysis. He then scheduled me for a strobe scope and this allows for the video recording. I have learned a lot about how to select a dr after this mishap and now I know do not trust the institutions reputation but the doctor's reputation.
Under-developed/missing sinuses - Corrective Surgery
2011年4月18日 · A CT of my sinuses showed up some potential issues, so he referred me back to my ENT (this guy took my tonsils out last year when I was 27). The ENT did a rigid scope, and walked me through the recorded video and the CT scan at the same time and found the following (all of these are on the right of my head): 1) I have no maxillary sinus
can a ct scan of the neck show all head and neck cancers
2005年3月10日 · My friend who had throat cancer had his found by the ENT. He had sore throats and a lump in his throat. He lost weight and was very tired but his cancer was advanced. As soon as he went to the ENT, the doctor found the cancer with the scope.They can see alot with it.He had the cat scan & pet scan after which showed the extent of the cancer.
LPR - What Comes First? (Or Next?) - HealthBoards Message Boards
2009年11月22日 · Based on what I now know, I've had LPR symptoms for 5 years (chest pressure, choking at night, sore throats, loss of voice several times a year), but it was never diagnosed. My big question is whether I need an endoscopy. I saw a GI doc for a consult after the ENT diagnosed me, but both doctors are leaving the decision about the endoscopy up to me.
LPR - What Comes First? (Or Next?) - HealthBoards Message Boards
2009年11月22日 · It is difficult to find a doctor (ENT or GI) to diagnose LPR. It is a good thing if your ENT is that aware of it. It couldn't hurt to consult with a GI doc though if your treatment doesn't progress as you want. Further testing can confirm the extent of your reflux. I've found the 24 hr pH and Manometry to be the most helpful.
Ear, Nose & Throat: SCARED!!! upcoming laryngoscopy... numbing
2012年9月21日 · Im getting a fiber optic scope up the nose into the throat on tuesday. Im very anxious about the numbing. I do not do well with numbing in my throat. I once went numb in the throat during a dental numbing....scariest thing ever. I felt like I couldnt breathe. My question is for those who have had it... Does the spray
Is it normal to have Neck pain after an endoscopy?
2007年12月22日 · Is it normal to have Neck pain after an endoscopy? I had a endoscopy/colonoscopy yesterday, about 4 hours after the procedure, i felt like my neck was getting stiff, since then it has only gotten worse, This morning is hurts pretty bad in the back of my neck from shoulders to up into the base of my skull, all in the
Crackling sound when mouth is open - HealthBoards Message …
2004年8月9日 · This sounds like more of a lung/airway issue.I think the scope idea is a very good one you will be able to see if there is something that is obstructing the airway.what you are hearing is called crackles.does the doc also hear this sound when he listens to his breath sounds with a stethopcope,or is this strictly an upper airway thing?.Please let us know what the results of the scoping reveal ...
Does anybody get blood in saliva at night? - HealthBoards …
2013年5月17日 · I had an endoscopy and discovered I have gastritis. I still have problems with this and I also had an ENT scope my throat. He found evidence of LPR but did not find anything that would cause this brownish/reddish colored saliva. Its still a mystery...