Educational Opportunity Program - California State University, …
Join us to learn more about the Educational Opportunity Program, the benefits of being an EOP student, and get step-by-step guidance on the application process. Dates and Times: October 8 & 23, 2024 | 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
How to apply | California State University Monterey Bay
Complete the CSU application for Cal State Monterey Bay. Go to calstate.edu/apply to apply online. Check "Yes" in the EOP section asking if you wish to apply for EOP.
Frequently Asked Questions - California State University, Monterey …
Everything you need to know about EOP Admissions is available on our website https://csumb.edu/eop/how-apply. Should you have more in-depth questions, we encourage you to email us at [email protected]. How can you make an …
CSU Monterey Bay’s Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) aims to improve the access and retention of low-income and first-generation college students by providing admission, academic and financial support services.
Why EOP? | California State University Monterey Bay - csumb.edu
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) serves as a primary vehicle for the CSU in increasing the access, academic excellence and retention of California’s historically underserved students (low income, first generation), thus working in the spirit and abiding by the legislative intent that originally established the program in 1969 and ...
Scholarships & Aid | California State University Monterey Bay
All EOP students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and/or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) every year before March 2nd. EOP grants will be awarded only as long as funds are available.
Transfer Bridge | California State University Monterey Bay
The EOP Transfer Bridge at California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) is intended to facilitate the transition of incoming EOP transfer students from Community College to a four-year university setting.
Educational Opportunity Program - California State University, …
Why apply for EOP? How to apply; Frequently Asked Questions; Summer Bridge; Transfer Bridge. EOP Transfer Handbook; Student Resources. Scholarships; Undocumented Students Resources; Guardian Scholars
Educational Opportunity Program - archive.csumb.edu
EOP has a specific program for freshmen as well as specific transition programs and workshops that meet the needs of the transfer student. EOP provides academic and personal support to assist the students in the program to strive for excellence.
Enrollment Services | California State University Monterey Bay
California State University Monterey Bay's Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is designed to improve the access and retention of low-income and first-generation college students. Financial Aid Office of the Registrar