IERS EOP 文件的解读 - 知乎
IERS (International Earth Rotation Service)即 国际地球自转服务,于1988年由国际大地测量学和地球物理学联合会(International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG)与国际天文学联合会(International Astronomical Union, IAU)共同建立,用以取代国际时间局(BIH)的地球自转部分和原有的国际 极移 服务(IPMS),于1988年1月1日正式开始运作。 IERS 通过分布在全球各地的观测网获得各种观测数据数据,IERS 中心局根据各分析中心的处理结果进行综合分析, …
IERS EOP 文件的解读 - CSDN博客
2023年4月23日 · IERS (International Earth Rotation Service)即国际地球自转服务,于1988年由国际大地测量学和地球物理学联合会(International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG)与国际天文学联合会(International Astronomical Union, IAU)共同建立,用以取代国际时间局(BIH)的地球自转部分和原有的国际极移服务(IPMS),于1988年1月1日正式开始运作。 IERS 通过分布在全球各地的观测网获得各种观测数据数据,IERS 中心局根据各分析中心的处理结 …
ITRF | Itrf2020
Following the procedure already used for previous ITRF solutions, the ITRF2020 uses as input data time series of station positions and Earth Orientation Parameters (EOPs) provided by the Technique Centers of the four space geodetic techniques (VLBI, SLR, GNSS and DORIS), as well as local ties at colocation sites.
The IERS EOP 14C04 solution for Earth orientation parameters consistent ...
2018年8月16日 · The new C04, referred to as IERS EOP 14C04, is aligned onto the most recent versions of the conventional reference frames (ITRF 2014 and ICRF2). Additionally, the combination algorithm was revised to include an improved weighting of …
ITRF | Itrf2014
ITRF2014 is the new realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System. Following the procedure already used for the ITRF2005 and ITRF2008 formation, the ITRF2014 uses as input data time series of station positions and EOPs provided by the Technique Centers of the four space geodetic techniques (VLBI, SLR, GNSS and DORIS).
ITRF | Homepage
Get ITRF coord. : To request ITRF coordinates online for a specific set of stations at any epoch in any ITRS realization from ITRF94, you first need to make a selection of stations from the site page reachable with the site search on the top and use the " Get the ITRF coordinates of these points " button on the selected points page in tables or ...
Using the combined polar motion so-lution associated with the newly release In-ternational Terrestrial Reference Frame 2005 (ITRF 2005), we produce a better solution including estimates of the errors of combined values. Individual EOP series have been re-processed since 1984. Pole coordinates are now fully consistent with ITRF.
CGCS2000、WGS84以及ITRF框架坐标之间的差异和转换方法 - 知乎
通过分析ITRF框架参数,WGS84和CGCS2000坐标系的定义和实现以及历元和测站速度场对坐标的影响,总结出: CGCS2000采用ITRF97框,对准2000.0历元;是一套严密的坐标系统;当前WGS84与CGCS2000在历元引起坐标上的差别不能忽略,差别最大在分米级。
EOP 14 C04 (IAU1980, dPsi, dEps) 0hUTC - one file (1962-now) - EOP …
EOP 14 C04 is updated two times per week. Bizouard, C., Lambert, S., Gattano, C. et al. (2019) The IERS EOP 14C04 solution for Earth orientation parameters consistent with ITRF 2014.
IERS EOP 文件的解读 - 代码先锋网
IERS (International Earth Rotation Service)即国际地球自转服务,于1988年由国际大地测量学和地球物理学联合会(International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG)与国际天文学联合会(International Astronomical Union, IAU)共同建立,用以取代国际时间局(BIH)的地球自转部分和原有的国际极移服务(IPMS),于1988年1月1日正式开始运作。 IERS 通过分布在全球各地的观测网获得各种观测数据数据,IERS 中心局根据各分析中心的处理结果进行综合分析, …