Energy Policy and Conservation Act - Wikipedia
The Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA) (Pub. L. 94–163, 89 Stat. 871, enacted December 22, 1975) is a United States Act of Congress that responded to the 1973 oil crisis by creating a comprehensive approach to federal energy policy.
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一般民眾如需要學習時數,請務必使用 我的 e 政府 進行註冊登入 (請填寫正確身分證字號)。 操作說明請參考 常見問題. 行政院人事行政總處規劃建置公部門數位學習資源整合平臺「e等公務園+學習平臺」,以「公部門學習資源整合,強化數位培訓新趨勢應用,建構學習資源開放與加值之共享環境」為願景,達成公部門數位學習「單一入口、多元學習、完整記錄、加值運用」之目標,期能透過本平臺做為公部門推動數位學習之最佳選擇,並建構公務人員及民眾全方位之數位學習管 …
S.622 - Energy Policy and Conservation Act - Congress.gov
Provides for establishment of an Early Storage Reserve in existing facilities to provide for meeting regional needs for residual fuel oil and refined petroleum products. Requires submission to the …
Energy Policy and Conservation Act (1975) - Federal Trade Commission
This Act (a) directs the Commission and the Justice Department to participate in developing, implementing, monitoring, and reporting on voluntary agreements and plans established by oil companies to deal with emergency international oil shortages and provides them a role in any DOE advisory committees on international allocation of oil products ...
History and Impacts | Department of Energy
At the national level, the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) was enacted in 1975, and established a federal program consisting of test procedures, labeling, and energy targets for consumer products. EPCA was amended in 1979 and directed the Department of Energy (DOE) to establish energy conservation standards for consumer products.
EPCA is one of 7 Oklahoma education programs receiving the Freedom of Education Award from the YASS Foundation. We are h... read more. Varsity Boys Win State 2023!
Home Page | EPCA
For 59 years EPCA brings together thought leadership and C-suite savviness to shape the petrochemical industry and its positive impact on the world. The European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) is Europe’s leading business network and knowledge exchange hub for the global petrochemical community.
Events - EPCA
EPCA brings together people and companies redefining the global petrochemical industry. Share ideas, meet your future business partner, or learn lessons from industry titans.
Universidad EPCA
Somos la primer Universidad Privada de la ciudad de León, Guanajuato. Contamos con 65 años de respaldo en cuanto a nuestra calidad académica lo que queda registrado en la cantidad de exitosos egresados que han resultado de nuestros programas académicos.
Eastern Province Cricket Association - CricClubs
Eastern Province Cricket Association tournament played under the banner of Al-Markb United T20 and s...
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