EPPI Centre Home
Our specialist application for all types of literature review, including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, ‘narrative’ reviews and meta-ethnographies. Identifying healthcare interventions addressing VAWG, and summarising the evidence base in …
EPPI-Centre - Wikipedia
The EPPI-Centre conducts systematic reviews of research evidence across a range of topics. Major areas include education, health promotion, employment, social care and justice.
About the EPPI Centre - UCL
The Evidence for Policy & Practice Information Centre is based at the Social Science Research Unit within the UCL Social Research Institute, a department of IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society. Our mission is to promote and support collaborative, rigorous evidence for a fairer world, by focusing on:
Evidence for Policy & Practice Information Centre (EPPI Centre)
The EPPI Centre’s mission is to promote and support collaborative, rigorous evidence for a fairer world, by focusing on: Developing state-of-the-art reliable evidence synthesis methods and tools, fusing optimised inputs from people, processes and enabling technologies.
At the EPPI-Centre we build in time for moderation exercises with the aim of reducing any ambiguity about how to execute tasks such as coding, before the task begins for real.
Tools - UCL
EPPI Centre tools have been developed to assist with the practical aspects of systematic research synthesis, incluiding guidelines, data management, EPPI-Reviewer, MetaLight and the EPPI Centre Cost Converter.
EPPI-Centre (Evidence for Policy & Practice Information Centre)
The Evidence for Policy & Practice Information Centre is a team of researchers and professionals based at University College London who: - Conduct systematic reviews across health,...
EPPI-Centre | Source
The EPPI-Centre is a specialist centre for: (i) developing methods for systematic reviewing and synthesis of research evidence; and (ii) developing methods for the study of the use research.
EPPI-Centre - Wikiwand
The EPPI-Centre conducts systematic reviews of research evidence across a range of topics. Major areas include education, health promotion, employment, social care and justice.
The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre) is part of the Social Science Research Unit at the UCL Institute of Education.