EPR, TEM and cell viability study of asbestiform zeolite fibers …
2018年1月1日 · To analyze the process of fiber ingestion into cells and the cells-fibers interactions, a spin-probe electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis was performed supported by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cell viability measurements as a function of the incubation time.
氧空位或缺陷空位的常见表征方法 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年11月8日 · 电子顺磁共振(EPR)光谱学是一项直接且先进的技术,专门用于检测和表征纳米材料中的氧空位。 该技术能够提供材料表面及内部未配对电子的独特“指纹”信息,成为识别单电子捕获现象的一种高度灵敏方法。 EPR光谱的应用范围广泛,不受样品形态(液体或固体)的限制,均能提供有价值的信息。 EPR光谱的基本原理在于,顺磁样品(即含有未配对电子的样品)在特定磁场条件下能够吸收电磁辐射。 这一现象的发生遵循特定的频率,由公式hv=gbβ决定,其 …
EPR, TEM and cell viability study of asbestiform zeolite ... - PubMed
2018年1月1日 · To analyze the process of fiber ingestion into cells and the cells-fibers interactions, a spin-probe electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis was performed supported by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cell viability measurements as a function of the incubation time.
EPR, optical absorption and photoluminescence properties of …
2010年5月1日 · Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), optical absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopic measurements are performed on Mn 2+ doped high bismuth containing zinc–bismuth–borate glasses. TEM images reveal homogeneously dispersed Bi o nanoparticles …
Defects and impurities in nanodiamonds: EPR, NMR and TEM study
2002年11月1日 · The EPR and 13 C NMR studies on detonation carbon and ultradisperse diamond clusters, together with available X-ray diffraction and TEM data, have shown that a high concentration of paramagnetic centers (up to 10 20 spin/g) is due to structural defects (dangling C–C bonds) on the diamond cluster core. It is found that the defects are ...
采用EPR谱和TEM对YSZ单晶辐照损伤的研究 - hplpb.com.cn
摘要: 利用电子顺磁共振(EPR)谱和透射电子显微镜(TEM)研究了YSZ单晶的辐照效应。200 keV的Xe和400 keV的Cs离子注入[111]取向的YSZ单晶中,注量均为5×1016 cm-2。
Synthesis, XRD, TEM, EPR, and Optical Absorption Spectral Studies …
2014年5月11日 · Hence a EPR study of these ions will provide information about the type of distortion and nature of bonding between metal and ligand. In the present investigation, XRD, TEM, optical absorption, and NIR and EPR techniques are used to know the crystalline phase and site symmetry of Cu 2+ in the material. 2. Synthesis of Nano CuZnO 2
Broadband Transmission EPR Spectroscopy - PMC - National …
2013年3月21日 · EPR spectroscopy employs a resonator operating at a single microwave frequency and phase-sensitive detection using modulation of the magnetic field. The X-band spectrometer is the general standard with a frequency in the 9–10 GHz range.
Characterization of Starburst Dendrimers by Electron …
1995年4月1日 · An EPR and Fluorescence Depolarization Study of Intermolecular Interactions of Dendrimers at Medium and Highly Concentrated Aqueous Solutions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2002, 256 (1) , 223-227. DOI: 10.1006/jcis.2001.7993.
TEM透射电镜测试的制样方法汇总与比较(上) - 知乎专栏
透射电子显微镜(Transmission electron microscope, TEM)是使用最为广泛的电子显微镜之一,和扫描电子显微技术共同组成了电子显微学的“两大支柱”。 TEM的测试原理是利用透过样品的电子进行成像和结构分析,由于…