Cryo EM Software | Smart EPU Software | Cryo EM Acquisition …
Thermo Scientific Smart EPU Software is an innovative, easy-to-use data acquisition solution for single particle analysis (SPA) that focuses on automation and user guidance to increase throughput and deliver reproducible results.
The acronym EPU is from the Latin "E Pluribus Unum" — Out of Many, One. This reflects the actual pathway: a single 3D particle structure is extracted from numerous 2D images with multiple particles per image. EPU automates the most time-consuming step in the SPA workflow: the acquisition of useful images.
Thermo ScientificTM Smart EPU Software offers increased automation capabilities for high-quality data acquisition. It provides on-the-fly, AI-assisted decision-making algorithms to help beginners and offers a higher degree of flexibility for advanced users.
Thermo Scientific Falcon™ 3EC), EPU Software provides a solution for the automatic recording of single particles. Its intuitive user interface allows for straightforward planning of single particle experiments and thus contributes to the scientific challenges and endeavors of the structural biology community.
用于生命科学的 Glacios™ 2 Cryo-TEM - 赛默飞世尔科技公司
EPU 是用于在 Thermo Fisher 冷冻透射电子显微镜 (Cryo-TEM) 上自动筛选和采集大数据集的本地软件包。 通过从 EPU 内部完全控制自动上样器,可以分批筛选盒中的所有载网:创建载网图集后,自动对玻璃化网格的冰质(有无、厚度)进行分类,以支持对载网方形的导向 ...
EPU is a Thermo Fisher Scientific software product for automated high quality data acquisition in a Single Particle Analysis (SPA) workflow. SPA is an approach to 3D image
在EPU 中,光照条件的presets 根据不同的使用场景定义了不同的放大倍数、曝光时间等, 比如Atlas 用于拍低倍的地图。 用户可以将自己设定的presets 保存下来,在preparation > Presets > export 中导出这些设
Cryo EM Software | Electron Microscopy Software | Life Sciences ...
Learn more about the exceptional features and benefits of our software, and how it can impact your cryo-electron microscopy experiments. Thermo Scientific Smart EPU Software provides a framework to drive automation of data acquisition and image processing in …
1.1. Collecting data on cryo-EM grids on a Falcon 4 detector with EPU software (ThermoFisher Scientific) 2. Definitions: 2.1. EPU is an automated data collection software from ThermoFisher Scientific (TFS). 2.2. TEMUI is the user interface of the microscope 2.3. TEM Image Analysis (TIA) must be running to ensure EPU is communicating with TEMUI 2.4.
(1)在EPU 中选择 Preparation > Acquisition and Optics Settings ,Preset Selection > Atlas (2)点“Set”按钮【注意!不要点Get】,这时电镜放大倍数为135 倍,EFTEM。 (3)插入荧光屏(右手控制面板R1 键,或TUI 中的Insert Screen 按钮),打开镜筒阀,