What is the EQ 360? - The Emotional Intelligence Training Company
What is the EQ 360? Like the EQ-i 2.0 ®, the EQ 360 measures the same fifteen EQ competencies. It’s a self-report assessment combined with the perceptions of people around you.
EQ 360® - Multi-Health Systems - MHS Assessments
The Emotional Quotient 360™ (EQ 360 ®) is an emotional intelligence assessment that allows leaders to receive feedback from peers, managers, direct reports, and others on how they …
Take the EQ-i 2.0/EQ 360 - The Emotional Intelligence Training …
Find out more about the EQ 360. Emotional intelligence skills are necessary for leadership, effective teams, and better relationships. Take the EQ-i 2.0 and measure your EQ.
Part I: Getting Started with the EQ-i 2.0 - MHS Assessments
What is the EQ 360 2.0? The EQ 360 2.0 is a multirater version of the EQ-i 2.0 that assesses the same emotional and social skills as the self report but from an observer’s perspective. …
EQ360 – Assessment
EQ360 (Emotional Intelligence 360) formerly known as SELDA (Social Emotional Learning Diagnostic Assessment) is a strengths-based tool to help users better understand their …
EQ 360® – Emotional Quotient and 360° Feedback – Alievo
Gain insight with rich interpretation and developmental strategies, including sections on balancing emotional intelligence, a well-being indicator, and impact-at-work insights. Get an innovative …
人才测评,情商测评,EQ-i ,EQ360 - 肯耐珂萨 - KNX
EQ-i 2.0 & EQ-360 - Anchor Global Management Consulting LLC
The EQ-360 is a companion assessment to the EQ-i2.0, designed to highlight how effectively a leader utilizes emotional intelligence. This assessment offers a “360-degree” view of an …
LEADx EQ 360 - LEADx
The 360 enables you to collect feedback from others. Gather feedback across key groups: Supervisor, direct reports, peers, and others. Then, receive one clean report that compares …
Emotional Quotient-360 (BarOn EQ-360) - hpsys.com
The EQ-360™ identifies key employee strengths and impediments to high performance that could be improved. The assessment process can also be used as a follow-up to formal coaching and …