计算器自检/TI-89 - 计算器百科 - calcwiki.org
如果要在自检菜单退出,先按下 (Return),再按下 2nd ,最后按下 ESC (QUIT)即可。 注意:退出自检后算式输入行底端的横线和状态显示可能会缺失,属正常情况。
Access the tool bar by pressing the blue function keys directly below the screen (for F1 - F5) or pressing 2nd and one of the three leftmost keys to access F6 - F8. ESC . From here on, this will be referred to as 2nd. in this manual. Clear the home screen by pressing F1 :Tools 8 :Clear Home. Quit any calculations by pressing 2nd QUIT .
TI-89 series - Wikipedia
The TI-89 and the TI-89 Titanium are graphing calculators developed by Texas Instruments (TI). They are differentiated from most other TI graphing calculators by their computer algebra system , which allows symbolic manipulation of algebraic expressions—equations can be solved in terms of variables— whereas the TI-83 / 84 series can only ...
The statistical, graphical, and symbolic capabilities of the TI-89 make it a powerful tool for investigating and developing mathematical concepts. In this session, we will explore some of the main features of the TI-89 and work on some activities designed to help develop students’ understanding of various concepts and procedures
TI-89 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
TI-89是德州儀器公司於1998年開發的一款圖形計算器。 該圖形計算器配有160×100像素解析度的 液晶屏 和 快閃記憶體。 TI-89 Titanium作為TI-89的後繼者於2004年夏天發布。
TI-89系列 - 计算器百科 - calcwiki.org
TI-89 于 1998 年开发。其配备了一个 160x100 点阵液晶屏幕、一个大容量闪存和德仪高级数学软件(即其内置的CAS系统)。 TI-89 同 TI-Nspire系列 为德仪热销机型。2004 年夏天,TI-89 被 TI-89 钛版替代。 TI-89 使用了 16 位的摩托罗拉 68000 处理器。
德州仪器TI-89 Titanium计算器的EE Pro功能好用吗? - 知乎
使用EE Pro功能之前最好是检查一下内置的函数是否正确,比如图中EE pro内置的NMOS 转移特性曲线 是错误的。 如果你是想考试用,那确实非常有用,比如 卡诺图化简 、傅里叶变换、Y-Δ变换、留数计算、 Bode图 等等,还带了一些常用公式。 不过如果你都会这些,同样的价格干嘛要买个老旧设计的计算器,直接买正版Matlab玩好了。 TI-89 Titaniumhttp://education.ti.com/download/en/US/B89A02AE62DC40D7870EE9B6370A1865/EC65C36B6AE5…
TI-89 Online Simulator
Use a TI-89 online with your Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile. Utilize web-based convenience by having access to a TI-89 online at any moment with the device of your choosing.
Module 1 - Describing Functions - Lesson 1 - Texas Instruments
In this lesson you will reset the TI-89 to its factory default settings and adjust the calculator's contrast. Then you will learn how to go to the Home screen and you will learn about the four basic parts of the Home screen.
EVALUATE A FUNCTION - TI 89 or 92. Introduction The instructions for entering, running, exiting, and editing are the same for any program. The actual program on this sheet allows you to quickly evaluate a function. This may be helpful when determining a reasonable window for graphing or investigating the value of a limit.