Purine salvage–associated metabolites as biomarkers for ... - Nature
2024年3月14日 · Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) remains an important health concern in developing countries. Patients with advanced ESCC have a poor prognosis...
8th edition AJCC/UICC staging of cancers of the esophagus and ...
2017年3月14日 · TNM categories—the facts about cancer—are judged clinically (cTNM) based on imaging studies, with minimal histologic information. This distinguishes them from pathologic cancer facts (pTNM) obtained by and large through microscopic examination of …
食管鳞状细胞癌诊断及治疗最新进展 - 汉斯出版社
食管鳞状细胞癌(esophageal squamous cell cancel, ESCC)是一种进行性发展且预后较差的恶性肿瘤,是我国最常见的食管癌类型。 食管鳞状细胞癌诊断和治疗具有挑战性。
Phosphoproteomics reveals therapeutic targets of esophageal squamous ...
2021年11月12日 · Here, we selected 94 surgically resected primary tumor tissues (T) and 24 non-tumor esophageal tissues (N) from 94 cases of intermediate- and advanced-stage (TNM II–IV stage) ESCC and performed...
Untargeted metabolomics analysis of esophageal squamous cell …
2022年3月14日 · We aim to elucidate dominantly metabolic pathway in all ESCC tumor/node/metastasis (TNM) stages and adjacent cancerous tissues. We collected 60 postoperative esophageal tissues and 15 normal tissues adjacent to the tumor, then performed Liquid Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) analyses.
A platform of functional studies of ESCC-associated gene …
2024年11月26日 · Here, we report a convenient platform with CRISPR-Cas9-mediated introduction of genetic alterations and orthotopic transplantation to generate a series of primary ESCC models in mice. With this platform, we validate multiple frequently mutated genes, including EP300, FAT1/2/4, KMT2D, NOTCH2, and TGFBR2, as tumor-suppressor genes in ESCC.
Comparison of the 7th and proposed 8th editions of the AJCC/UICC TNM …
The present study aims to compare the 7th and the proposed 8th edition of the AJCC/UICC TNM staging system for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Methods: A total of 1872 ESCC patients who underwent radical surgery with curative intent were analyzed retrospectively.
Metabolic state uncovers prognosis insights of esophageal …
2025年3月17日 · Background Metabolite-protein interactions (MPIs) are crucial regulators of cancer metabolism; however, their roles and coordination within the esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) microenvironment remain largely unexplored. This study is the first to comprehensively map the metabolic landscape of the ESCC microenvironment by integrating an MPI network with multi-scale transcriptomics ...
Untargeted metabolomics analysis of esophageal squamous cell …
2022年3月14日 · We aim to elucidate dominantly metabolic pathway in all ESCC tumor/node/metastasis (TNM) stages and adjacent cancerous tissues. We collected 60 postoperative esophageal tissues and 15 normal tissues adjacent to the tumor, then performed Liquid Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analyses.
UICC/AJCC 2017年第八版食管癌 TNM 分期标准 - MedSci.cn
国际抗癌联盟 (uicc) 最新版肺癌tnm分期标准计划于 2017年1月颁布实施。 这是全球肺癌研究 和治疗领域的一件大事,它是推动新一轮肺癌诊断和治疗发展的重要的指导性文件。