ETA 9089 and I-140 - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2014年2月13日 · Form ETA 9089 is for PERM, which must be certified by the Department of Labor before the I-140 petition in the EB2 or EB3 category can be filed with the USCIS. Form ETA 9089 is deceptively simple and seemingly just about any Ph.D. can accomplish it without denial or audit/supervised recruitment (although many filings are randomly selected as ...
Are there any fees to file forms with Labor Department (ETA-9035, …
2010年12月8日 · The ETA-9089 processing time can vary widely. Right now, some cases are coming back approved in as little as three months. If the case is audited, however, processing time can be well over a year.
Immigration question form ETA 9089? - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2024年6月24日 · In form ETA 9089, what significance does question 10 in section G, “did employer use credentialling system to assess foreign workers qualifications” have to DOL? Why is this question asked? If this question was answered with a “no”, will it trigger an audit/ denial?
PERM 9089 need for employee signature - Avvo.com
2015年8月20日 · LCA (former ETA 750 A and B) traditionally required original signatures of the employer and the employee. When it transitioned to PERM in 2005, the requirement remained. The only difference is that PERM is an electronic form so the originals are required to be held by the employer until either an audit or the need to file I-140 after 9089 is ...
How long does it take to receive certified ETA 9089?
2015年9月2日 · I verified that my PERM was approved via the official DOL iCert registry (https://icert.doleta.gov/). However, my attorney says they can only officially talk about approval after her office receives the certified ETA 9089.
For PERM Form ETA 9089 - Section J - Alien Information
For eb2 niw, How to fill eta 9089 and I 140 without having a job offer ? I have 7 years of experience in the US, no publications Novi, MI | 2 attorney answers Form ETA-9089 PERM application Question J-11; Education: highest level achieved relevant …
Ready to file I140 but attorney change from the one who filed …
2025年1月10日 · My employer changed law firms. Now the new law firm is ready to file I140. But the form ETA 9089 was filed by the old law firm and ETA 9089 Final Determination certification approval shared by the employer to the new firm has blank under section C (attorney or …
ETA 9089 Closely Held Corporation - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2015年1月30日 · ETA 9089 Closely Held Corporation I own 8000 shares of my company which employs 19 people. do I have to answer yes to question on form 9089 C.9 about an ownership interest in a closely held corporation.
Duplicate or Copy of ETA-9089? - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2020年10月22日 · ETA 9089 - my employer 6 months back gone under immigration counsel change, during that process my employer/immigration forgot /handover my eta-9089, are there any other ways to obtain the copy, reaching out to wider audience just in case don't hear back from old immigration team.
Can ETA 9089 be filed without an attorney? - Legal Answers
2022年3月18日 · My ETA-9089 form is almost ready to be submitted to DOL. It's been 2 months since recruitment process was over. I was working with my attorney on filling the ETA form. But suddenly my attorney disappeared. I believe there is only one step left. The form is ready in …