ETV6 - Wikipedia
ETV6 (i.e. translocation-Ets-leukemia virus) protein is a transcription factor that in humans is encoded by the ETV6 (previously known as TEL) gene. The ETV6 protein regulates the development and growth of diverse cell types, particularly those of hematological tissues.
ETV6 Gene - GeneCards | ETV6 Protein | ETV6 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · ETV6 (ETS Variant Transcription Factor 6) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with ETV6 include Thrombocytopenia 5 and Hematologic Cancer. Among its related pathways are Signaling by PDGFR in disease and FLT3 signaling in disease.
ETV6 Thrombocytopenia and Predisposition to Leukemia
2020年11月19日 · ETV6 thrombocytopenia and predisposition to leukemia is a nonsyndromic genetic disorder of thrombocytopenia and high risk of leukemia without any other known congenital anomalies. Formal clinical diagnostic criteria have not been published.
ETV6 in Hematopoiesis and Leukemia Predisposition - PMC
The ETV6 (also known as TEL) gene encodes a transcriptional repressor that plays a critical role in hematopoiesis and in embryonic development. While somatic ETV6 translocations and missense mutations are frequently observed in human cancers, the ...
ETV6-RUNX1融合基因阳性儿童急性前体B淋巴细胞白血病的临床 …
ETV6-RUNX1(又称TEL-AML1)融合基因,是由12号染色体上的转录因子ETV6基因与21号染色体上的RUNX1序列断裂、重接形成,可影响造血干细胞的自我更新与分化,与白血病的发生、发展密切相关。 ETV6-RUNX1融合基因在儿童急性前体B淋巴细胞白血病(precursor B acute lymphoblastic leukemia,B-ALL)中的阳性率为20%~25% [2]。 国外研究发现,多数ETV6-RUNX1融合基因阳性儿童B-ALL预后良好,5年的EFS率达80%~97%,显著高于其他亚型 [3, …
Acute myeloid leukemia carrying ETV6 mutations: biologic and …
Objectives: E26 transformation-specific variant 6 gene (ETV6) is one of the most consistently rearranged genes in acute leukaemia. It encodes a principal hematopoietic transcription factor. Methods: We performed a systematic review focusing on the mechanisms responsible for etv6 acquisition, and its effect on the development of AML. We also ...
ETV6 ETS variant transcription factor 6 [ (human)]
ETV6 Regulates Hemin-Induced Erythroid Differentiation of K562 Cells through Mediating the Raf/MEK/ERK Pathway. ETV6-NCOA2 fusion induces T/myeloid mixed-phenotype leukemia through transformation of nonthymic hematopoietic progenitor cells.
Nat Cell Bio | 免疫与发育关键调节基因ETV6可成为肿瘤治疗靶点
2023年2月2日 · etv6(又称tel)基因,位于染色体12p13,编码一种 ets家族 的 转录因子 。etv6基因是一种肿瘤抑制基因,在造血和血管网络发育、维持中起着重要作用。 ETV6基因是一种肿瘤抑制基因,在造血和血管网络发育、维持中起着重要作用。
ETS 变体转录因子 6(ETV6)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子 ...
该基因的产物包含两个功能域:一个参与蛋白质与自身和其他蛋白质相互作用的 N 末端尖头 (PNT) 域,以及一个 C 末端 DNA 结合域。 小鼠基因敲除研究表明,它是造血作用和维持正在发育的血管网络所必需的。 已知该基因参与与白血病和先天性纤维肉瘤相关的大量染色体重排。 [RefSeq 提供,2008 年 9 月] This gene encodes an ETS family transcription factor.
The ETS transcription factor ETV6 constrains the ... - Nature
2023年1月19日 · Here we describe the results of a genome-scale CRISPR–Cas9 screen revealing that the wild-type ETS TF ETS variant 6 (ETV6; also known as TEL) is a crucial Ewing-sarcoma-selective TF dependency....