加速器EUV光源装置 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
因此,加速器系统复杂性、造价昂贵等缺点变得可以接受起来,以全相干的 FEL (Free Electron Laser)装置为例,FEL因子通常可做到0.1%,也就是说,要得到10kW的EUV(92eV,对应13.5nm波长),束流功率做到10MW即可。 当然10MW的束流功率也是非常大的,这里可以对比下,上海硬X射线自由电子激光装置(SHINE)的束流功率约0.8MW,上海软X射线自由电子激光装置(SXFEL)的束流功率可以忽略不计。 上海同步辐射光源(SSRF)的束流功率 …
High-power EUV free-electron laser for future lithography
2023年4月19日 · The EUV-FEL light source can generate high EUV power of more than 10 kW without tin debris and, as a result, it can provide more than 1 kW EUV power for 10 scanners at the same time without tin contamination to Mo/Si mirrors. Furthermore, the EUV-FEL is upgradable to a BEUV-FEL for finer pattering with a shorter wavelength (6.6–6.7 nm).
EUV Light Source: Is the Future in a Particle Accelerator ... - IEEE ...
2024年6月10日 · Even before the first EUV machines had been installed in fabs, researchers saw possibilities for EUV lithography using a powerful light source called a free-electron laser (FEL), which is generated by a particle accelerator. However, not just any particle accelerator will do, say the scientists at KEK.
中国已形成LPP、LDP、自由电子激光(FEL)三条技术路径的研发 …
2025年3月9日 · FEL路线中,清华大学的SSMB-EUV项目研发小型化自由电子激光装置,可输出250W的EUV光,瞄准未来超精密制造需求。 中国在激光技术领域的突破,特别是全国人大代表马新强提及的 $华工科技 (SZ000988)$ 在汽车白车身激光焊接装备等领域的重大进展,为国产光刻机技术突破提供了关键支撑。 在极紫外光刻(EUV)技术领域,中国正以激光诱导放电等离子体(LDP)技术为突破口,展现出显著的技术创新潜力,有望重塑全球半导体产业链的竞争格局 …
We show that the EUV-FEL light source has many advantages, such as extremely high EUV power without tin debris, upgradability to a Beyond EUV (BEUV) FEL, polarization controllability for high-NA lithography, low electricity consumption, and low construction and running costs per scanner, as compared to the laser-produced plasma source used for t...
一文读懂:为什么要发展自由电子激光技术? - 虎嗅网
2021年8月31日 · fel 具有波长完全可调谐的特点,可以获得其他激光器不能实现的波段,相应波长可覆盖从太赫兹至硬 x 射线甚至 射线的范围。其中,太赫兹、红外、极紫外、x 射线波长范围内的 fel 分别称为 thz-fel、ir-fel、euv-fel、xfel。
成本可降低数倍!EUV光源的替代方案来了! - 腾讯云
2024年6月18日 · euv-fel 光源在 euv 功率、升级到 beuv-fel、high na 光刻的偏振控制、电力消耗和每台光刻机的成本方面具有许多优势。 估算 euv-fel 和 lpp 光源的每个光刻机的电力消耗、建设和运行成本,不难发现通过从euv-lpp 源切换到 euv-fel 光源可以节省大量成本。
We have designed an ERL-based EUV-FEL source using available technology without too much development and performed simulations of the electron-beam transportation and SASE-FEL to evaluate the electron beam parameters and the FEL performance.
Energy recovery linac(ERL) based free electron lasers(FELs) are promising candidates of high-power EUV sources for lithography. We have designed a 10-kW class ERL-FEL operated at 13.5 nm and demonstrated the FEL power of more than 10 kW at the average current of less than 10 mA by using simulations.
EUV光刻机技术路径(2025.3) - 知乎专栏
希望我们早日用上国产的 EUV光刻机 ,下面是DeepSeek在2025.3调研的EUV光刻机技术路径,主要分为以下几类,其核心差异在于光源生成方式及系统设计:. 1. LPP (激光等离子体光源). · 原理:通过高功率激光轰击锡滴产生等离子体,辐射13.5nm极紫外光(如ASML方案)。. · 优点:技术成熟度高,光源稳定 ...
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