All electric vehicles in Europe - EV Database
A complete overview of all electric vehicles in Europe. Search and compare by range, make, model and price.
Global EV Data Explorer – Data Tools - IEA - International Energy …
2024年4月23日 · Explore historical and projected data on electric vehicles sales, stock, charging infrastructure and oil displacement. The Global EV Outlook is an annual publication that identifies and discusses recent developments in electric mobility across the globe. It is developed with the support of the members of the Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI).
Global EV Data Initiative
We visualize various spatial EV data and the analysis results through interactive maps. We collect global EV policy, market, and charging facility data from various data sources and share the EV datasets upon request. We update regularly the latest research outputs using the global EV data as the main data sources.
Home - Open EV Data
In contrast to ICE cars, electric vehicles have very different behaviors in terms of charging and charging speed. Having reliable data about a car is key for developing EV-related applications. Quick Start. The dataset (data/ev-data.json) can be freely integrated into ANY application under the terms of our license. Attribution is required ...
Electric vehicles worldwide - Statistics & facts | Statista
2024年11月28日 · After years of steep market expansion, electric vehicles are slowing down. Since 2022, many European countries have started to roll back the financial incentives provided to consumers purchasing...
Elektroauto Vergleich - EV Database Deutschland
Vollständige Übersicht zu allen verfügbaren E-Autos in Deutschland. Finde und vergleiche Reichweiten, Marken, Modelle und Preise.
EV Datasets - Xinbo Geng
EV Datasets Dataset related with Electric Vehicle Charging Behaviors. Caltech ACN Data. detailed EV data: arrival, (user estimated) departure time, (actual) departure time, kWh, (estimated and actual) length of a session, efficiency; PecanStreet. many more than EV data, e.g., solar generation, HVAC useage, other appliances; Driving Behaviors ...
EV Charging Station Deployment Data|电动汽车数据集|充电基础 …
2024年10月28日 · 在电动汽车(EV)充电基础设施的规划与优化领域,EV Charging Station Deployment Data 数据集被广泛用于分析和预测充电站的最佳位置。 通过整合地理信息系统(GIS)数据、交通流量统计以及用户需求模型,研究者能够模拟不同充电站布局对电动汽车用户 …
EV Battery Lifespan Data|电动汽车电池数据集|电池寿命分析数据集
2024年10月28日 · EV Battery Lifespan Data数据集由国际知名研究机构与汽车制造商联合创建,旨在通过大规模的电池性能数据分析,揭示电池寿命的内在规律。 该数据集涵盖了多种型号的电动汽车电池,记录了从初始使用到报废的全生命周期数据,包括充电次数、温度变化、电池容量 ...