新能源汽车小三电之高压配电盒方案浅析 - 知乎
高压配电盒 (Power Distribution Unit,PDU)是新能源车高压系统解决方案中的高压电源分配单元。 它与众多高压部件紧密相连,如同一位调度员,精确协调着动力电池、电机控制器、电动空调、电动转向等各个“部门”的工作。 无论是动力电池和充电,还是电机、空调、转向、气泵、暖风等,都离不开PDU的精准指挥和高效协调。 图2、汽车调度员的高压配电盒. 高压配电盒,无疑是电动汽车科技的核心竞争力,所具备的优势让人眼前一亮: 首先,高压配电盒拥有惊人的高集成度 …
High-voltage power distribution unit | EV PDU | Eaton
Eaton’s high-voltage power distribution units (PDUs) and power distribution elements (PDEs) deliver power to all critical loads within the electric vehicle (EV) system -- including traction and auxiliary loads -- while protecting electrical and electronic components and vehicle occupants with reliable circuit protection solutions.
新能源汽车小三电系统(PDU+DC+OBC)技术研究 - 知乎
干货|新能源汽车PDU结构设计全面解析 - 电子工程专辑 ...
高压配电盒简称配电盒,英文简称PDU(Power Distribution Unit),新能源车高压系统解决方案中的高压电源分配单元。 通过母排及线束将高压元器件电连接,为新能源汽车高压系统提供充放电控制、高压部件上电控制、电路过载短路保护、高压采样、低压控制等功能等,保护和监控高压系统的运行。 PDU也能够集成BMS主控、充电模块、DC模块、 PTC控制模块等功能,与传统PDU相比多了整车功能模块,功能上更加集成化,结构上更复杂,具有水冷或是风冷等散热结构。 PDU …
Understanding the Role of Power Distribution Units (PDU) in …
A Power Distribution Unit (PDU) in electric vehicles is responsible for managing and distributing electrical power from the vehicle's battery to various subsystems, such as the motor, onboard electronics, lights, and climate control. Essentially, it ensures that power is efficiently and safely directed to where it's needed.
Power Distribution Unit (PDU) - Continental Engineering Services
Power Distribution Unit (PDU) The Power Distribution Unit enables the connections with all HV Units (loads, supply) in a single location in the vehicle. Outlets can be fused in-line with the vehicle safety analysis. HV Interlock can be also incorporated to monitor connector integrity.
EV Power Distribution Units - EG Electronics Commercial Vehicles
The CSNV500, CSNV1500 and CSSV1500 Series are automotive-grade current sensors for battery management systems (BMS), battery disconnect units (BDU) and power distribution units (PDU) in electric vehicles.
High-Voltage Power Distribution Unit (HV PDU) Würth Elektronik
HV power distribution units (HV PDU) are ideal for a wide range of applications in electric mobility. They enable efficient and reliable power distribution in the voltage range from 60 VDC to 1000 VDC and ensure optimum performance and safety in these demanding areas.
新能源汽车高压配电管理(PDU/BDU) - CSDN博客
2023年4月14日 · 本文详细介绍了新能源汽车的高压配电单元(PDU/BDU),包括概念、组成、电气件参数设计、结构设计、电气安全、散热设计、仿真与测试以及继电器的控制与诊断策略。 内容涵盖继电器、熔断器、连接器、电流采集、预充电阻的选择与设计,以及PDU/BDU的结构材料和固定方式。 文章强调了安全和散热在设计中的重要性,并讨论了继电器控制逻辑和诊断策略,以确保高压系统的安全运行。 PDU (Power Distribution Unit),即 高压配电单元,功能是负责 新能 …
AEM EV 30-8300 PDU-8 Eight-Channel Power Distribution Unit
The AEM EV PDU-8 is an eight channel Power Distribution Unit expansion device that gives you the power to program and control various switched devices using our ECU/VCUs, like high-voltage contactors, cooling fans, headlights, brake lights, turn signals, windshield wipers, fuel pumps, and more.