502, Super Glue Professional Liquid, Instant High-Strength ...
2023年12月27日 · High-Strength Bonding: Boasting a tensile shear strength of 120 to 200 kgf/cm², this adhesive creates incredibly durable bonds that can withstand demanding applications. Fast Curing: Experience the power of instant bonding! EVOBOND W-50 forms strong connections in just 10 seconds, maximizing your efficiency and keeping projects on track.
- 评论数: 92
Bostik Evo Bond Super Pva 1Lt 122208 by Evo-Stik - amazon.com
2013年1月29日 · Evo-Bond PVA is a universal adhesive, sealer and primer Excellent adhesive & highly effective primer, admixture, bonding agent, dustproofer Ready mixed and ready to use; interior use only.
- 评论数: 2
우리는 국내 및 해외의 모든 비즈니스 파트너들에게 우리의 고품질 제품, 혁신적인 기술 그리고 뛰어난 R&D 팀을 자랑스럽게 소개해 왔습니다. 이러한 파트너들의 만족과 인정을 통해, Tong Shen의 두 번째 공장은 1999년에 성공적으로 가동 되었습니다. 시장 수요가 매일 점점 더 커지고 있기 때문에 확장의 발전은 멈추지 않습니다. Tong Shen has been one of the leading cyanoacrylate adhesive manufacturers in the world for decades.
EVO BOND 502 Super Glue CYANOACRYLATE Adhesive NET 20 …
Shop wide range of Bonding Adhesives from the house of EVO BOND 502 on Amazon. Secure and bond with confidence using our Bonding Adhesives! Whether for DIY projects or professional applications, our adhesives provide strong and reliable bonding. Choose from a variety of formulations for your specific needs.
- 评论数: 151
502 Cyanoacrylate Evobond Superglue - Tombalek
Not just any superglue, Evobond bonds instantly, and develops full strength in minutes. Flows better than water, the super liquid 502 CA Glue penetrates even the tiniest gaps to completely fill up your glue joint. If applied properly, it is stronger than most white glues. Store in fridge after opening for longest shelf life.
EVOBOND品牌介绍-EVOBOND502胶水-Maigoo网 - 买购网
台湾同声企业股份有限公司创立于1974年的接着剂专业制造厂家,所生产之EVOBOND (同声牌)瞬间接着剂品种齐全,销售网络覆盖全球,凭借其优良品质享誉世界。 公司年生产能力高达5500吨,具备有精良的专业研发设备配合生产研究,用以保证产品改良优化及新产品的不断推出,紧随社会发展步伐,走在行业的前端。 同时借着ISO及5S的精神,秉持高品质高效率之目标与专业、服务、诚信及热忱的理念,不断增强国际竞争力。 “为客户提供迅速的服务和优良的产品”是公司长 …
台湾同声企业股份有限公司创立于1974年的接着剂专业制造厂家,所生产之EVOBOND (同声牌)瞬间接着剂品种齐全,销售网络覆盖全球,凭借其优良品质享誉世界。 公司年生产能力高达5500吨,具备有精良的专业研发设备配合生产研究,用以保证产品改良优化及新产品的不断推出,紧随社会发展步伐,走在行业的前端。 同时借着ISO及5S的精神,秉持高品质高效率之目标与专业、服务、诚信及热忱的理念,不断增强国际竞争力。 “为客户提供迅速的服务和优良的产品”是公司长 …
瞬间强力胶是一种单组份具有强粘接性能的无色透明液体,使用时不用溶剂,无需加热和特意按压,在室温下即可固化,而且粘接强度很高,使用十分方便。 适用于各种金属和非金属材料如:铝、铜、钢铁、铝合金、铬、橡胶、塑料、玻璃、陶瓷等。 粘贴各种金属标牌,无线电元器件。 修补各类玻璃器皿、玩具、体育用品。 制作和修理石料、贝壳、有机玻璃材质的工艺美术品及竹木制品。 1、粘接物体表面必须清洁、干爽无油。 2、在物体表面薄薄点上胶、稍用指压,不久即牢 …
台湾同声502胶水 EVO-BOND 瞬间凝固 超强粘性维修强力胶水5瓶 …
欢迎来到淘宝Taobao铭芯电线,选购台湾同声502胶水 EVO-BOND 瞬间凝固 超强粘性维修强力胶水5瓶,为你提供最新商品图片、价格、品牌、评价、折扣等信息,有问题可直接咨询商家!
EVO BOND Cyanoacrylate Evobond Adhesive Glue DIY Crafts 50g …
EVO BOND Cyanoacrylate Adhesive EVOBOND High Performance Series Cyanoacrylate Adhesive is instant bonding single component adhesive that bonds almost all close-fitting smooth surfaces in seconds. It requires no mixing,no heating, and no clamping. Containing no solvent, the adhesive is mild in odor, low toxic ,and low f