• Two distinct HDX regimes (EX1 and EX2) are commonly identified depending on the rates of protein refolding (k cl) and intrinsic exchange (k int) • HDX under native conditions almost always follows the EX2 kinetics • It is often assumed that denaturing conditions favor the EX1 regime (unless k int is reduced under such conditions even ...
A subset of HDX reactions can exhibit EX1 kinetics. EX1 kinetics occur when . This can be envisioned as a larger scale unfolding event, for instance a large conformational change, when a group or subset of residues all exchange before re-folding again.
Estimating Constraints for Protection Factors from HDX-MS Data
2019年4月2日 · Two limiting regimes, usually referred to as EX1 and EX2, are invoked in interpreting HDX kinetics of proteins. For both regimes, the protein is considered to be in native conditions (i.e., k c l ≫ k o p). In the EX1 limit, k i n t ≫ k c l implies that the amide exchanges as soon as it becomes exposed to solvent (i.e., k obs = k op).
Identification and Characterization of EX1 Kinetics in H/D …
2006年11月1日 · Proteins that undergo cooperative unfolding events display EX1 kinetic signatures in hydrogen exchange mass spectra. The hallmark bimodal isotope pattern observed for EX1 kinetics is distinct from the binomial isotope pattern for uncorrelated exchange (EX2), the normal exchange regime for folded proteins.
Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry: A Novel …
Hydrogen/Deuterium eXchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX-MS) is a rapidly evolving technique for analyzing structural features and dynamic properties of proteins. It may stand alone or serve as a complementary method to cryo-electron-microscopy (EM) or ...
HDX-MS: An Analytical Tool to Capture Protein Motion in Action
HDX-MS has been extensively used to characterize G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and the bound state component. GPCRs are involved in cell signal transduction and is an important target molecule in the drug development industry. HDX-MS provides valuable insight into the conformation of the GPCRs when bound to different ligands .
Protein dynamics and conformational changes explored by …
2019年7月25日 · EX1 kinetics occurs when interconversion between folded and unfolded states is slower than the timescale of the HDX experiments, giving rise to a bimodal distribution of m/z values. EX1 kinetics occurs less frequently than EX2 kinetics and is usually observed when a protein is exposed to strongly denaturing conditions, such as the presence of ...
EX1 and EX2 kinetics as observed in the time series of an HDX-MS ...
Hydrogen/Deuterium eXchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX-MS) is a rapidly evolving technique for analyzing structural features and dynamic properties of proteins. It may stand...
(PDF) Fundamentals of HDX-MS - ResearchGate
2022年10月17日 · Hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) is becoming part of the standard repertoire of techniques used by molecular biologists to investigate protein structure and dynamics.
氢氘交换质谱HDX MS - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
氢氘交换质谱(hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, HDX MS)是一项研究蛋白质空间构象的质谱技术。 这项技术的主要原理是将蛋白质置于重水溶液中,蛋白质表面的氢原子与重水里的氘原子发生互换,发生…