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Map of EX2 6HA postcode - doogal.co.uk
Map of EX2 6HA postcode in Common.Road, Exeter, England with local information, lat/long: 50.702948, -3.494258, grid reference: SX945903
EX2 6HA maps, stats, and open data - GetTheData
Find data about postcode EX2 6HA including maps, open data, schools, flood risk, crime stats.
InFocus Charity care home, Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 6HA
View types of services provided, admission restrictions and facilities for InFocus Charity care home Devon EX2 6HA.
EX26HA - check postcode
EX2 6HA postcode was first in introduced in January 1980. EX2 6HA is located within the Exeter Travel To Work Area. NHS Services in this postcode are provided by the Devon Primary Care Trust.
The EX2 6HA Postcode in Exeter - Streetlist
The properties in the EX2 6HA postcode have the street address of Topsham Road. Did you know? According to the 2021 Census, the EX2 6HA postcode is home to a bustling 40 residents! It is situated within the post town of EXETER within the old postal county of Devon. EX2 6HA is within the city of Exeter.
EX2 6HA - Postcode Details, House Prices, School Info etc EX2 6HA
Comprehensive information about the postcode EX2 6HA - house prices, local schools, crime data area, maps, location information, coordinates, census data and much more
Postcode EX2 6HA
Postcode EX2 6HA is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 50.702603, -3.495112 respectively.
INFOCUS CHARITY - 1058937 - Register of Charities
EX2 6HA . Phone: 01392 454200 Email: [email protected]. Website: www.infocus-charity.org.uk Open in new window. Print charity details Loading Save and Close. Tell us whether you accept cookies. We use cookies to ...
Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 6HA - Residents, Businesses, …
Who lives in Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 6HA? And what businesses operate in this area? How much are people paying for property in Topsham Road? For this and lots of other information about EX2 6HA, click here!