Why do we believe that PSPACE ≠ EXPTIME? - Computer Science …
2014年12月16日 · Won't we need exponential space in order to beat the upperbound for the total number of system configurations achievable with space that scales polynomially with input size? Just to say, I can understand why EXPTIME ≠ EXPSPACE is an open matter, but I lack understanding regarding the relationship between PSPACE and EXPTIME.
Why is EXPTIME in EXPSPACE? - Computer Science Stack Exchange
2019年7月3日 · In terms of complexity classes: $$\textsf{TIME}(t) \subseteq \textsf{SPACE}(t)$$ Both $\textsf{P} \subseteq \textsf{PSPACE}$ and $\textsf{EXPTIME} \subseteq \textsf{EXPSPACE}$ are immediate from this. One of the greatest concerns of complexity theory (most of which are yet unsolved questions) is determining under which conditions this is a ...
complexity theory - Prove that EXPtime contains PSPACE
$\begingroup$ Because i live in bad country, I can't prove it , I tried to use the definitions of pspace , I manged to prove that p is contained in pspace but I could not find the Relationship between exptime and pspace $\endgroup$ –
complexity theory - How do we know for sure that EXPTIME ≠ P ...
2016年6月1日 · How is the time hierarchy theorem (or anything else) used to prove that P≠EXPTIME? If we assume P=NP and NP=EXP, P=EXP and that contradicts P≠EXP. So one of those statements MUST be false.
computational complexity - EXPTime algorithms - MathOverflow
A number of EXPTIME-complete problems are listed here. They include some interesting ones about games ...
What is the relation between EXPTIME and NP HARD complexity …
There are NP-hard problems that are not in EXPTIME and vice versa. This is to be expected as NP-hard is defined by a lower bound and EXPTIME mainly by an upper bound. NP is contained in EXPTIME, however, and NP-complete is of course contained in NP.
Why is NP in EXPTIME? - Computer Science Stack Exchange
2016年4月22日 · Any problem in NP is in EXPTIME because you can either use exponential time to try all possible certificates or to enumerate all possible computation paths of a nondeterministic machine. More formally, there are two main definitions of NP .
EXPTIME vs Super-polynomial time - Computer Science Stack …
EXPTIME is an example of a super-polynomial time complexity class. Also please tell me what is the deference between super-polynomial and polynomial times in context of polynomial expression. That doesn't make sense.
Are there EXPTIME-complete problems which are also in IP?
I am wondering if there are known to be any EXPTIME-complete problems (or even just problems in EXPTIME) which are known to also be in IP, so a prover can convince a verifier that an answer to an EXPTIME problem is say "yes" in polynomial time?
What are some problems in EXPTIME not known to be EXPTIME …
2022年1月6日 · $\begingroup$ No problem is known to be in $\mathsf{EXPTIME}$ and not in $\mathsf{NP}$ so I don't know what you expect… $\endgroup$ – Nathaniel Commented Jan 6, 2022 at 20:07