East African Orthopaedic Journal
The aim of the journal is to give orthopaedic surgeons, technologists and other personnel within the orthopaedic specialty a forum of diverging their research findings to the rest of the world. We publish original research papers, case reports, reviews and commentaries. AJOL is a Non Profit Organisation that cannot function without donations.
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The aim of the journal is to give orthopaedic surgeons, technologists and other personnel within the orthopaedic specialty a forum for disseminating their research findings to the rest of the world. EAOJ publishes original research papers, case reports, reviews and commentaries. It is the official publication of Kenya Orthopaedic Association.
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About the Journal | East African Orthopaedic Journal
The East African Orthopaedic Journal is published by the Kenya Orthopaedic Association (KOA). The association draws its membership from specialized orthopaedic surgeons in Kenya and collaborates with other associations in the region. Editorial board members and reviewers are drawn from the association.
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East African Orthopaedic Journal - African Journals OnLine
2010年12月7日 · Objective: To evaluate the management of Bone and Joint infection in children. Design: Retrospective descriptive study. Setting: Moi Teaching and Refferal Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya.
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