EASE 5 Third Edition | Ahnert Feistel Media Group - AFMG
EASE 5 is the ideal solution for acousticians, consultants, specifying engineers, and installation companies to realize their projects efficiently and present them to their clients in a clear and scientifically based manner and from an acoustic professional’s perspective.
EASE 5 – 广州启音技术顾问有限公司
EASE 5第三版是EASE 5自发布以来的最重要的主要版本更新,实现了精确高效声学建模和分析的全流程功能。 通过直接编辑材料的声学参数,将房间混响时间 (RT)的计算值校准到匹配测量值。 丰富的表格、精致的界面和新颖的可视化,简化了复杂的项目管理。 交互式3D环境支持精细的几何图形绘制,丰富的扬声器数据库则提供了无可比拟的扬声器模型集合,包括传统扬声器、线阵列、超低音阵列和可控音柱。 EASE 5提供新的交互式工作流程,用于校准房间混响时间指标, …
EASE 5 - Module Training | Ahnert Feistel Media Group
2025年2月3日 · To improve flexibility, we have organized the upcoming online EASE training in a series of modules that can be configured in different ways to cover the topics needed by the attendee. See a description of each module below.
EASE 5-FE – 广州启音技术顾问有限公司 - Initial Audio
ease 5-fe 允许导入和导出 frd 格式的ease 4 项目文件。 通过加载在 EASE 4.4 中创建的现有项目,你可以很轻松地开始使用EASE 5-FE,并与仍在使用 EASE 4.4 的第三方交换 EASE 数据。
EASE – 广州启音技术顾问有限公司 - Initial Audio
如果你想高效省时地工作,同时又想在经过验证的计算引擎的基础上进行计算,你应该仔细了解ease 5-fe: EASE 5-FE >> 您已经拥有EASE 4,并对升级到EASE 5-FE有疑问?
Welcome to “EASE 5 Second Edition” or short, “EASE 5-SE”. After EASE 5 First Edition, this is the second landmark release of EASE that is based on the new platform employing 64-bit, DirectX, and the .NET
AFMG Network :: View topic - New version 5.47 now available!
2022年11月23日 · We have just published the new version 5.47 of EASE 5-FE. EASE 5-FE users can download it now from the AFMG Download Portal. New features and improvements: - Selecting multiple room items for modification: o Select items using Ctrl + left click o Move and duplicate several elements o Invert multiple faces at once* o Add back-side faces*
EASE 5 - All Videos - YouTube
This playlist assembles all videos for our software EASE 5.
AFMG Network :: View topic - We have just released a major …
2024年11月8日 · We have just released a major upgrade, EASE 5 Third Edition! This release introduces Acousteer, our new real-time simulation, full-bandwidth simulation engine that will very much change how you design and analyze sound systems. With this new engine, you can experience an unprecedented level of interactivity in your acoustic simulation projects.
Please log in to the AFMG Download Portal at http://downloads.afmg.eu and download the Program Setup for EASE 5-FE. The package contains a single, compact EASE_5-FE_Setup.exe file integrating all needed modules and the AFMG database. Start the installation by double-clicking on this file.
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