Easy.gg offers a variety of online gaming experiences for players to enjoy.
KitType | BedWars Creative - Easy
can be referenced using kittype.farmer_cletus. kittype. copy none farmer_cletus barbarian builder baker archer shielder melody davey bigman cowgirl grim_reaper wizard vulcan pyro raven beekeeper jade warrior bounty_hunter spirit_catcher angel axolotl trapper fisherman ghost_catcher oil_man spearman triple_shot infected super_infected ice_queen aery yeti …
Events | BedWars Creative - Easy
WARNING: Yielding in an event will delay the outcome of the event.Examples of yielding include task.wait(), while loops, using DataStoreService, or iterating over a very large set of objects.. It is highly recommended to use task.spawn()when waiting in an event.
Player | BedWars Creative - Easy
Registers a jump height multiplier for the player. A multiplier of 1 is equal to normal height (2 block high jump), less than 1 is shorter than normal height, and greater than 1 is higher than normal height. A multiplier value of 2 would be equivalent to double the normal jump height of the player.. The id parameter can be any string you wish to use to reference the multiplier.
Enchant | BedWars Creative - Easy
Fires when a Player researches an Enchant.
EnchantType | BedWars Creative - Easy
List of all available enchants in the game (possibly outdated).
WorldGuard System | BedWars Creative - Easy
2024年1月23日 · Starter guide for using the WorldGuard system. Use /i world_guard_wand to obtain a World Guard Wand, or enter creative mode with /gm 1 to automatically receive one.. Use Left Mouse Button or tap on any two blocks in the world to create a three-dimensional region between these corners.
Entity | BedWars Creative - Easy
An Entity is anything that can take damage (player, penguin, skeleton, etc).
Generator | BedWars Creative - Easy
Automatically drops an item on an interval (cooldown). Sets the cooldown of the generator (in seconds). This is how many seconds passes in-between item drops.
AbilityService | BedWars Creative - Easy
Enables the custom ability for the player. Use the optional progressRate parameter to set the rate (in seconds) at which progress is restored to the custom ability.