Home | EBCC - EBCC
2024年12月16日 · The EBCC is an association under Dutch Law of like-minded expert ornithologists co-operating in a range of ways to improve bird monitoring and atlas work and thereby inform and improve the management and conservation of birds populations in Europe.
Useful reading | EBCC
The 22nd EBCC Conference Bird Numbers 2022: Beyond the Atlas: challenges and opportunities, Luzern, Switzerland, organised by The Swiss Ornithological Institute in Sempach – Proceedings were published by Ala, Swiss Society for the Study and Conservation of Birds, in the December 2022 issue of its journal Ornithologischer Beobachter.
Currently, the EBCC is working on the EBBA Live project, aiming to update information on distribution on a more frequent basis. The EBBA2 main aim was to determine the distribution, abundance and change of breeding birds in Europe. Its main outputs are: Maps of abundance and breeding likelihood at 50 x 50 km resolution
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Bird Numbers 2025 Latvia
2024年7月2日 · We have a great pleasure to invite you to attend the 23rd conference of the European Bird Census Council (EBCC) called "Bird Numbers 2025: Synergies in monitoring for conservation". The conference will be organised by the Univeristy of Latvia with support from the Latvia Ornithological Society.
Programs - EBCC
EBCC is your local resource for top-notch nonprofit immigrant programs in Boston, MA. Everything we offer is either free or low cost, and we work with people of all ages. Our accredited counselors collaborate with immigrants to obtain legal documents such as work permits or green cards and legal residence cards, which allow families to gather ...
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EBCC: Eastern Bloc Cycling Club | Home | Connecticut Cycling
6 天之前 · EBCC is the sponsoring club of Farmington Valley Youth Cycling. Many club members are racers with the affiliated bike shop, Benidorm Bikes of Canton. EBCC offers social events and volunteer oportunities. EBCC has been together for many years keeping the sport of cycling alive in Connecticut's Farmington Valley!
EBCC-14丨IMpassion030研究最终分析数据显示,手术后辅助化疗 …
2024年3月22日 · ALEXANDRA/IMpassion030研究的最终分析数据在EBCC-14大会上进行了公布,结果显示,在三阴性乳腺癌(TNBC)患者术后辅助化疗中添加阿替利珠单抗(atezolizumab)并没有带来获益。
Articles | EBCC - EBCC
The 23rd conference of the European Bird Census Council (EBCC) "Bird Numbers 2025: Synergies in monitoring for conservation" will be held from 31 March to 4 April 2025 in Riga, the capital of Latvia. The conference will be organised by the University of Latvia with support from the Latvia Ornithological Society.