12AT7 - Wikipedia
12AT7 (also known in Europe by the Mullard–Philips tube designation of ECC81) is a miniature nine-pin medium-gain (60) dual-triode vacuum tube popular in guitar amplifiers. It belongs to a …
12AT7 | ECC81 | CV4024 Preamp Vacuum Tubes - thetubestore
Below is our current selection of 12AT7 vacuum tubes. Other 12AT7 tube equivalent part numbers are ECC81, 6201, CV4024, and CV455 . Be sure to look for reviews to help you find the best …
电子管12at7有什么好的选择(已换西门子ecc81) - 音 响 论 坛 -耳 …
4 天之前 · ecc81最好的有GEC A2900,富豪的6201,相对全面且有音乐味,风根的801s对比下只能说很一般且个性化了。 说实话81的好管子实在是少,绝对水平也低于82,83等管子
Please note that, in case of serial supply, a current limiting device must be inserted in the heater circuit for limiting the current when switching on.
HIFIDIY论坛-[网中人]的极品文章说极品电子管 - Powered by Discuz!
2010年9月23日 · 飞利浦荷兰生产的ECC81具有优秀的声音素质,同时也是目前可以或许买到的常见12AT7管之一.在诸多版本的飞利浦ECC81中,声音最佳的当属50年代D环版本,该管具有极佳的 …
12AT7 / ECC81 / CV4024 Pre Amplifier Vacuum Tubes
Tube Depot carries a selection of 12AT7 / ECC81 / CV4024 Pre Amp Vacuum Tubes. New & NOS pre amp tubes from Tung-Sol, Electro-Harmonix, Genalex & more!
ECC81 (12AT7) - Eurotubes
ecc81 (12at7). The JJ ECC81 is a superb example of the classic 12AT7. Most commonly used for driver applications these high current tubes have a warm and neutral character with great detail.
RFT ECC81 / 12AT7 Vacuum Tubes | www.thetubestore.com
RFT ECC81 / 12AT7 preamp vacuum tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier.
【请教】电子管12AT7 (ECC81)有什么好管子选择?? - HiFi168
2009年3月10日 · 目前使用欧博m100-10s签名版,希望通过更换前级的12at7(ecc81)稍稍提高整机的解析力、分析力,使得声音别太软,但又不希望换管后声音太过单薄, 最好是新管子,对 …
Mullard 10M ECC81 / 12AT7 Gold Pin Preamp Vacuum Tube
The incredibly rare Mullard 10M ECC81 / 12AT7 vacuum tube is a new-old-stock treasure. Made in Great Britain, manufacturing was at Mullard's Mitcham factory in the mid 1960s. …