ECL84 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The Philips ECL84 is a triode output pentode amplifier designed for class A1 use. The triode section was designed for a variety of uses including sync separation. The pentode was designed for use as a video output stage. Introduced in 1958 when the UK had a 405 line VHF television service and a video bandwidth of 3 MHz maximum.
ECL 84, Tube ECL84; Röhre ECL 84 ID18598, Triode-Pentode
Tube ECL 84 or Röhre ECL84 ID18598, Triode-Pentode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
2004年9月5日 · 求ecl84单端的线路图.如用ecl82的图可否?
Suitability of ECL84 tubes for audio | diyAudio
2003年5月26日 · If you know that the ECL86 is 1/2 ECC83 +one EL84 in a single envelope and you know what those can sound like than that's one out of three eliminated. One or two other members have developed and built an amp around the ECL82 recently and seemed absolutely pleased with the results.
ECL84 push-pull amp - Help! - EL34 World
2012年2月23日 · I've got a couple ECL84s here, and I'm trying to build a push-pull amp with them. I looked around and saw some circuits with these tubes, and I really wanted to try using them. What I have so far is basically a Marshall 18W circuit, using a 12AX7 for V1 and the same values of the original schematic for everything - except for the output pentodes.
Valvo ECL84 triode output pentode amplifier designed for class …
The Philips ECL84 is a triode output pentode amplifier designed for class A1 use. The triode section was designed for a variety of uses including sync separation. The pentode was designed for use as a video output stage. Introduced in 1958 when the UK had a 405 line VHF television service and a video bandwidth of 3 MHz maximum.
ECL84 tube as mufollower? | GroupDIY Audio Forum
2004年10月26日 · In this case, the 18K resistor (25W!) forces the second stage to act single-ended. If you did a simple resistance-coupled gain stage and cathode follower, no trickery, performance would be similar no-load and probably better in low-Z load. Driving 600Ω directly, any tube strains, and needs large current to drive high levels.
从德机电路与实践看ECL82,6F3,ECC83+EL84 - 矿石收音机
2024年5月6日 · 第一张电路和第二张结构上大致相同部分元件略有差异,后期的收音机都找不到ecl82的影子了,都用的是el84,从图上看ecc83+ecl84×2应该等于两只6f3,从笨的想法看三个人干了两个人的活,效果肯定会更好,再者设计者应该是都往更好的方向设计,自己逐渐放弃了 ...
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ECL84 - Tube Data
ECL84 page sheet date 1 1 1958.12.12 2 2 1958.12.12 3 3 1958.12.12 4 A 1958.12.12 5 B 1958.12.12 6 C 1958.12.12 7 D 1958.12.12 8 E 1958.12.12 9 F 1958.12.12
SoLow Watt ECL84 amp - The Amp Garage
2015年1月14日 · Some of us on the Hoffman forum were working on low watt push/pull amps and we came up with this one using ECL84 tubes. I posted the schematic once before, but it has been updated now (after additional tweaks) along with a soundbit. And someone else has built one with apparently similar positive results.