ED-E My Love - Fallout Wiki
ED-E My Love is a companion quest in Fallout: New Vegas. The quest is started by traveling to the town of Primm and entering the Nash residence, found on the street corner opposite both …
ED-E - Fallout Wiki
Eyebot Duraframe Subject E, also known as ED-E (pronounced "Eddie" or "E-D-E"), is a Duraframe Eyebot originally created in the Capital Wasteland, now residing in an inactive state …
ED-E的终极攻略(有关ED-E的问题都可以在这跟帖,大家一起研 …
2011年5月10日 · ED-E的任务难度就是在于任务没有明确的指示,虽说第一步可以从NPC对话中了解到吉布森垃圾处理厂的老太太可能有情报,但是如果玩家在触发任务之前就跟她对话过以 …
Lonesome Road perk vs. rescuing ED-E - Fallout: New Vegas
Personally, I favor Raul (Full Maintenance) and ED-E (Enhanced Sensors / Camarader-E) over Lonesome Road's effects, though I still took Lonesome Road. 2: All effects of the Camarader-E...
Lonesome Road (add-on) | Fallout中文維基 | Fandom
Launched the nuclear missile from the Ashton silo. Find all of ED-E's upgrades in the Divide. Completed Lonesome Road. Acquired all upgrades for the Divide's signature weapon. …
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Why does ED-E attack everyone? *minor spoilers* - GameFAQs
ED-E likes to attack people for no apparent reason other than him being a rage monster. It happens all the freaking time. Introduce him to Fisto. Discipline time.
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2020年2月21日 · edjpgcom is a free Windows application that allows you to change (or add) a JPEG commment in a JPEG file. That's all it does. All other fields in a JFIF or Exif file are left …
ED-E with personality - Mod Ideas - Nexus Mods Forums - The …
2014年2月3日 · I miss the personality of clone!ED-E, whom I absolutely adore. In show, I want a mod that basically transfers clone!ED-E's personality onto the original. Please? (Or, y'know, if …
ED-E Upgrade Locations in Lonesome Road (Possible Spoilers)
You can see what each upgrade does by going to your perks and reading the "Camrader-E" description, it lists them all even if you only have rank 1. Besides the 5 main upgrades, you …