Skywatcher ED72 for imaging ? - Refractors - Cloudy Nights
2018年9月3日 · This image was taken through a Skywatcher ED72 attached unguided to an HEQ5 with a canon 1000D last night. The image is made up of 30 x 3 minute subs. There are definitely better images in this forum but for a relatively cheap intro to …
Skywatcher Evostar 72ED - AstroBin
2019年12月31日 · This is a non-automatic submission group: you will pick and choose which images you want to submit.
NGC7000 with ED72 - Cloudy Nights
2019年9月1日 · NGC7000 with ED72 - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Taken through a Skywatcher ED72 unguided on an HEQ5 mount. About 90 minutes of 4 minute subs. I used a Canon 1000D body.
Skywatcher ED72 - Getting Started With Imaging - Stargazers …
2018年9月20日 · When comparing the fovs between the 80ED and the 72s on blackwaterskies imaging toolbox the 432mm focal length of the EDF 72 for instance isn't that much different at all when the 0.85 reducer is on the ED80. Focal length hardly changes and you could just crop in ever so slightly anyway.
Skywatcher Evostar 72ED help - Stargazers Lounge
2019年8月11日 · I'm considering getting a Skywatcher Evostar 72ED for deep sky imaging. I'm new to astrophotography although I have been using a 200pds on an EQ5 for visual for some time. I plan to use the 72ED with my Canon 1000d. I've read loads of reviews on the scope and I'm a little confused. I'd really appreciate some help with the following: 1.
My first attempt at planetary imaging with Skywatcher Evostar 72ED …
2020年6月4日 · I grabbed a couple of videos with my Nikon D3300 DSLR and my 2.5X barlow in my Evostar 72. I know the large sensor of the DSLR and "short" focal length of 1050mm is far from optimal but I'm quite surprised with how the final images came out!
Sky-Watcher 72ed field flattener - Refractors - Cloudy Nights
2020年8月2日 · Reducer/flattener is your choice. But the 72ED is not a long focal length so images will be on the smaller size. Which one will work often depends on the threads that attach the flattener to the scope - focuser. Just thinking the 80ED flattener may work if you have an adaptor to go from one thread to another.
Poland - Electric - EMU - ED72 - Banal.Net
Poland - Electric - EMU - ED72 Railway PKP Locomotive ED72-006 Designer AndrzejAndrzej, GregHF Painter AndrzejAndrzej Source andrzejlandrzej.strefa.pl: Medium Image 500x800: Large Image 750x1200 . Railway PKP Locomotive ED72-012 Designer AndrzejAndrzej Version 1.1 Source www.trainsim.d8b.pl: Medium Image 500x800: Large Image 750x1200 ...
国鉄ED72形電気機関車 徹底ガイド | レイルラボ(RailLab)
レイルラボ メンバーさんから投稿された「国鉄ED72形電気機関車 」の鉄道フォト・画像一覧です。 全国走破めざしませんか! 鉄道の旅を記録しませんか? 乗車距離は自動計算! 写真やメモを添えてカンタンに記録できます。 鉄道の旅に出よう! 各旅行会社のお得なプランで、鉄道の旅にでませんか? ようこそ! レイルラボに会員登録すると、鉄道乗車記録 (鉄レコ)の記録、鉄道フォトの投稿・管理ができます。 今日は何の日? 自社サイト「FlyTeam」「レイルラボ …
Ed72 hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy
Find the perfect ed72 stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Available for both RF and RM licensing.