开源EDA工具终极指南(附完整列表) - 知乎专栏
2025年1月10日 · EDA Playground :一款免费的网络应用程序,用于 HDL(包括 Verilog、系统 Verilog、VHDL 和其他 HDL)仿真和综合。成功仿真后,它会生成基于浏览器的波形查看器。
An Easier Electronic Circuit Design Experience - EasyEDA
I can't see the clone button that I read was in STD version.
开源EDA——Open Circuit Design - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Open Circuit Design是一个开源EDA工具集合,由很多个开源节点工具构成,是一个非常全面的数模混合设计软件,官网如下:
flow-eda - GitHub
flow-eda 项目是一种基于事件驱动的流式低代码编程应用程序,它的主要功能是采用可视化编程,以拖拽节点、连接组合节点的形式来完成流程绘制,达到低代码开发和实现业务编程的目的。
flow-eda: 采用springboot+vue/react搭建的一个基于事件 ... - Gitee
flow-eda 项目是一种基于事件驱动的流式低代码编程应用程序,它的主要功能是采用可视化编程,以拖拽节点、连接组合节点的形式来完成流程绘制,达到低代码开发和实现业务编程的目的 …
An Easier Electronic Circuit Design Experience - EasyEDA
Previously, it was possible to copy part of the scheme, and then paste the duplicate, then save the scheme, then go to the PCB and copy and paste the corresponding part there (already …
clone to and clone from commands in hfss - 微波EDA网
Go to Tools>Options>Modeler Options and in the Operation tab, select or deselect clone toll object in whichever operation that you desire. In most cases, it's better to deselect them. If it's …
请教高手 layout xl clone用法,多谢! - 微波EDA网
先保证你要克隆的两部分在电路里面的管子属性是一样的,再在版图中删除要clone出来的部分,然后XL点击左下角Generate Clones,根据里面的选项就可以调出要克隆的那部分了
How To Design PCB Clone Design In EasyEDA? (Parth 1)
2023年9月6日 · EasyEDA will create a new PCB layout with the cloned components and footprints. You can then route the PCB layout and export it for manufacturing. Here are some …
magical-eda/MAGICAL: Machine Generated Analog IC Layout - GitHub
How to clone To clone the repository and submodules, go to the path to download the repository. # clone the repository git clone https://github.com/magical-eda/MAGICAL.git git submodule init …