EDI入门讲解——一篇文章告诉你EDI是什么 - CSDN博客
2023年10月13日 · edi是结构化的数据通过一定标准的报文格式从一个应用程序到另一个应用程序的电子化交换,商业伙伴实施edi,必须遵循一定的edi报文标准。 通过以下链接可详知常用EDI报文标准。
EDI controls play an important role in achieving the objective of lowering the risks of EDI. Major advantages and benefits derived from EDI include quick response to trading partners and improved accuracy from reduction of manual processing. The extent of these advantages depends upon the us age of EDI controls.
The relationship among formal EDI controls, knowledge of EDI controls ...
2010年1月29日 · This study attempts to extend this stream of research by exploring the knowledge of EDI controls and its impact on the relationship between formal EDI controls and performance. The causal model attempts to explain how knowledge of control content and the importance of controls contribute to system performance.
Efficiency analysis of controls in EDI applications
2005年3月1日 · EDI controls are defined here as activities to safeguard assets, maintain data integrity, accomplish organizational goals effectively, and consume resources efficiently [27]. The objective of EDI controls is to ensure that an organization achieves its goals through EDI.
EDI controls design support system using relational database …
2000年8月1日 · EDIRDB may help internal auditors design appropriate EDI controls that are related to EDI performance in view of organizational context. EDIRDB also supports external auditors evaluating EDI controls, locating the “important” controls, and investing their limited audit resources to assess whether these controls are appropriate.
EDI brings with it, however, new and important control considerations. This article discusses, in a non-technical fashion, the control architec-tures and concerns associated with EDI. Audit considerations in the EDI environment, as well as related audit tools, are also outlined. Keywords: Data communications, control and audit, electronic data ...
The impact of EDI controls on EDI implementation
1998年6月1日 · Management must divert more resources to EDI controls to successfully integrate and utilize EDI systems. A research model proposes that EDI controls affect EDI implementation. EDI controls are classified largely into three dimensions: formal, informal, and automated controls, each of which has specific objectives and characteristics.
EDI EDIFACT标准CONTRL消息介绍 - edimft.com
EDIFACT CONTRL(CONTRoL)消息在某种程度上起到了确认的作用,类似于北美地区更常用的ANSI X12的EDI 997交易集。 还可以将其与Peppol发票响应消息进行比较。 EDIFACT CONTRL消息在接收到每个消息后提供响应,并且可以被买方和供应商都使用。 总之: 1. 它确认了先前交换的接收。 2. 它确认了接收到的消息的接受或拒绝。 3. 它提供了(在拒绝的情况下)有关先前交换的详细错误列表。 CONTRL消息始终是有关一个或多个先前交换的EDIFACT消息的独立交换 …
Structural equation model for EDI controls: Controls
2009年3月1日 · This paper integrates these streams of research and examines the direct and indirect effects of formal and informal EDI controls on the system performance. The hypotheses on indirect effects of EDI controls on performance through implementation success are discussed.
What Is an EDIFACT CONTRL Message? The EDIFACT CONTRL (CONTRoL) message acts as both a technical and functional acknowledgement for any EDIFACT message exchanged between customers and suppliers. When sent as a technical response, it indicates the receipt of the message along with its acceptance.