EDMI Limited - Global Energy Solution Leader
EDMI, a leading smart metering solution provider in the world is focused on designing, developing and manufacturing innovative and technologically advanced energy meters and metering systems for the global utility industry.
About Us - EDMI Meters
Since 1978, energy companies all over the world have relied on EDMI to deliver the flexibility and reliability they need and the innovative solutions they demand. EDMI’s experience, our proven track record, and millions of EDMI multi-functional smart meters installed worldwide, mean that our products are tried and tested and that you can ...
EDMI公司,1978年创建于澳大利亚布里斯班(Brisbane),1997与新加坡SMB集团资产重组,现已是电子计量领域遍布全球的跨国上市公司。今日的EDMI,秉承了创新,先进的电子设计的优良传统,不但在计量产品上研制出了适用于发电厂,变电站关口需求的系列电子式 ...
Metering Devices - EDMI Meters
Since 1978, energy companies all over the world have relied on EDMI to deliver the flexibility and reliability they need and the innovative solutions they demand. EDMI’s experience, our proven track record, and millions of EDMI multi-functional smart meters installed worldwide, mean that our products are tried and tested and that you can ...
Supplier - EDMI | 数字化转型顾问 - IoT ONE
EDMI Limited 是全球领先的智能能源解决方案提供商之一。 EDMI 专注于为全球公用事业行业设计、开发和制造创新和技术先进的电能表和计量系统。 EDMI 的计量产品组合包括全面的优质计量产品、先进的基础设施和能源管理系统。
6th International Symposium on Economic Development and Management Innovation (EDMI 2024)
亿缔迈仪表(深圳)有限公司 - 企查查
2005年6月28日 · 亿缔迈仪表(深圳)有限公司(曾用名:深圳市丕希仪表技术有限公司)是⼀家成⽴于2005年06月28日的有限责任公司,也是edmi limited旗下企业,属于以从事制造业为主的企业。
华为和EDMI签订全球物联网专利许可协议 - 华为 - Huawei
2024年4月11日 · [1] edmi是全球领先的智能表计解决方案提供商,由大崎电气工业株式会社所有。后者是一家在东京证券交易所主要市场板块上市的日本计量解决方案提供商。
亿缔迈仪表(深圳)有限公司 - 爱企查
亿缔迈仪表(深圳)有限公司成立于2005年06月28日,位于深圳市宝安区石岩街道塘头社区塘头一号路中运泰科技工业园2栋厂房2、3楼,目前处于开业状态,经营范围包括集中抄表系统的技术开发;电子式电能表(单相、三相)、水表、气表及配套软硬件、生物识别电子产品及配套软硬件、电子产品的技术开发、批发、进出口及相关配套业务(不涉及国营贸易管理商品,涉及配额、 …
EDMI Limited | 领英 - 领英 (中国)
EDMI is focused on designing, developing and manufacturing innovative and technologically advanced energy meters and metering systems for the global utility industry. Our metering portfolio...