European School Brussels II
EEB2's got talent! With over 2000 students and 200 teachers in secondary school we tend to follow our own highway and seldom cross the path of people in other year group, section or …
Secondary | Calendar - European School, Brussels II
Book & Material lists. E-forms. Secondary
Le badge peut être téléchargé sur notre site web: www.eeb2.eu « Maternel-Primaire - Infor- mations pratiques - Badge cartable ». Au cours de l’année, les parents des trois cycles …
EuropeseSchool2 | home - European School, Brussels II
L'EEB2 a du talent ! Avec plus de 2000 élèves et 200 enseignants dans l'école secondaire, nous avons tendance à suivre notre propre route et à rarement croiser le chemin de personnes d'un …
Nursery-Primary (Woluwe) | Calendar - European School, Brussels II
Plans, Regulations & Policies. Book & Material lists. E-forms
Contact information - European School, Brussels II
Woluwe site Avenue Oscar Jespers 75 1200 Bruxelles. Evere Site Avenue du Bourget 30 1130 Haren
European School Brussels II - eeb2.be
Children who are already attending EEB2 in the 2024/2025 school year - regardless of their cycle - are automatically enrolled for the 2025/2026 school year. No new application for enrolment …
2024-12-D-20-en-1 Central Enrolment Authority (CEA)-In the event of discrepancy between the particulars in this document and in the Policy on Enrolment in the Brussels European Schools …
Secondary | Education | Exams and Tests - European School, …
3 天之前 · S4 B Tests. For more information on B Tests, please refer to the General rules of the European Schools. Since changes are sometimes made to the schedule, please consult your …
DATA PROTECTION Fonction E-mail CLERFAYT Félix Data Protection Officer [email protected] COMPTABILITE Fonction E-mail BERGHS Peter Comptable …