EF-G - Wikipedia
EF-G (elongation factor G, historically known as translocase) is a prokaryotic elongation factor involved in mRNA translation. As a GTPase, EF-G catalyzes the movement (translocation) of transfer RNA (tRNA) and messenger RNA (mRNA) through the ribosome. [1]
EF-G - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
延伸因子G(Elongation Factor G),簡稱EF-G,又稱EF-2,曾被稱爲轉位酶(translocase),是一種原核延伸因子,具有GTP酶活性。 現認爲EF-G的GTP酶活性與tRNA和mRNA穿過核糖體的協同移動有關 [ 1 ] 。
延伸因子 - 百度百科
EF-G(elongation factor G,延伸因子G)具有 转位酶 活性,由水解GTP供能,使核糖体沿 mRNA 向下移动一个 密码子 ,催化核糖体A位中的 肽酰-tRNA 进入 P位 ,使A位再次空出。
蛋白质翻译的延伸阶段 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
原核生物的移位需要延伸因子g( ef-g ),真核中是eef2。ef-g与核糖体相互作用,以稳定其中间状态。核糖体结合可激活ef-g的gtp酶活性,利用gtp水解推动移位过程中的构象变化。 当前的翻译延伸模型是综合多种研究方法而得到的。
EF-G - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
延伸因子G(Elongation Factor G),簡稱EF-G,又稱EF-2,曾被稱爲轉位酶(translocase),是一種原核延伸因子,具有GTP酶活性。 現認爲EF-G的GTP酶活性與tRNA和mRNA穿過核糖體的協同移動有關 [ 1 ] 。
EF-G - A+医学百科
EF-G 为 延伸因子 G(英语:elongation factor G)的缩写,是 原核 延伸因子中的 转位酶。 The factor EF-G catalyzes the translocation of the tRNA and mRNA down the ribosome at the end of each round of polypeptide elongation. Homologous to EF-Tu + tRNA, EF-G also binds to the ribosome in its GTP-bound state.
Elongation factor G initiates translocation through a power stroke
2016年6月16日 · During the translocation step of prokaryotic protein synthesis, elongation factor G (EF-G), a guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase), binds to the ribosomal PRE-translocation (PRE) complex and facilitates movement of transfer RNAs (tRNAs) and …
CDD Conserved Protein Domain Family: EF-G - National Center …
2020年10月2日 · Translocation is mediated by EF-G (also called translocase). The structure of EF-G closely resembles that of the complex between EF-Tu and tRNA. This is an example of molecular mimicry; a protein domain evolved so that it mimics the shape of a tRNA molecule.
Similarity and diversity of translational GTPase factors EF-G, …
EF-G, EF4, and BipA are members of the translation factor family of GTPases with a common ribosome binding mode and GTPase activation mechanism. However, topological variations of shared as well as unique domains ensure different roles …
Ribosomal translocation: EF-G turns the crank - Cell Press
2000年5月15日 · EF-G acts as a catalyst to increase the basal rate of translocation. The mechanism of translocation is thus dictated by ribosomal structure and motion. EF-G (and EF-G:GDP) itself is remarkably similar in structure to the EF-Tu:GTP:tRNA ternary complex which is responsible for loading tRNA substrates into the A site of the ribosome . Domain IV ...