Homepage | European Free Trade Association
About EFTA. Learn more about the European Free Trade Association, including its history, Member States, organisation, annual budget, media resources, current job opportunities and staff contact details.
About EFTA | European Free Trade Association
EFTA has an extensive worldwide network of free trade relations. Its third-country policy aims to safeguard the economic interests of its Member States, support and reinforce European and interregional integration, and contribute to global efforts to liberalise trade and investment.
The EEA EFTA States | European Free Trade Association
The EU Member States, together with three of the EFTA States - Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway - make up the EEA Contracting Parties (the EEA States). In everyday language, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway go by the term “EEA EFTA States” in order to clarify that the other EFTA State, Switzerland, is not party to the EEA Agreement.
The European Free Trade Association
The four EFTA States are all open, competitive economies committed to the progressive liberalisation of trade in the multinational arena and in free trade agreements. Annual Budget. EFTA’s budget is prepared in two currencies: Swiss francs (CHF) and euros (EUR).
Staff Directory - European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
EFTA has an extensive worldwide network of free trade relations. Its third-country policy aims to safeguard the economic interests of its Member States, support and reinforce European and interregional integration, and contribute to global efforts to liberalise trade and investment.
EFTA Trade Statistics
EFTA exports European Union, 57.1% Agreements by individual EFTA countries, 15.3% Dialogue on free trade relations, 12.5% Free Trade Agreements, 9.9% Negotiations ongoing, on hold or suspended, 3.1% Rest of the world, 1.7% Joint Declarations on Cooperation, 0.4%
Negara-negara anggota EFTA bertujuan untuk mewujudkan Perjanjian Kemitraan Ekonomi Komprehensif (Indonesia-EFTA Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with Indonesia, IE-CEPA) yang seimbang dengan Indonesia, untuk membangun hubungan ekonomi yang lebih kuat antara kedua belah pihak dan
Careers - European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
EFTA has an extensive worldwide network of free trade relations. Its third-country policy aims to safeguard the economic interests of its Member States, support and reinforce European and interregional integration, and contribute to global efforts to liberalise trade and investment.
EEA Seminar 25 September 2025 - Pre-registration
The Agreement on the European Economic Area brings together the EU Member States and the three EEA EFTA States – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway – into one Single Market, also referred to as the Internal Market.
European Free Trade Association - jobs.efta.int
The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) offers the opportunity for two motivated and highly skilled professionals to join the Internal Market Division in Brussels. As an officer here, you will be part of an organisation based on professionalism, cooperation, trust, responsibility and respect.