China RoHS II FAQ - Global Market Access - TÜV SÜD
The number "10" in the EFUP mark (previously known as Environmentally Protection Use Period (EPUP)) refers to the duration which hazardous substances in the electronic and electrical products will not leak or mutate under normal operating conditions and result in serious environmental pollution, serious bodily injury to the user or damage their assets during their normal use of the electronic ...
中国RoHS合规性 - Enviropass
产品上必须标有橙色 efup 符号。橙色绿色颜色是非强制的。该符号上的数字(5、10、15、20、25 等)表示在正常使用条件下有害物质不会泄漏或变异的年数。标准 sj/z 11388-2009 – 电子信息产品环保使用期限的通用指南 – 提供了如何估算此 efup 年份期限的指南。
Compliance Definitions | TE Connectivity
The number shown in the center of the symbol indicates the Environmental Friendly Use Period as defined by SJ/T 11364-2014 – China's Marking for the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products. Note: EFUP 10 is an example only. EFUP values (shown in the center of the symbol) may vary by product family ...
China RoHS - New EFUP Guidance - Electronics Weekly
2007年3月14日 · China RoHS – New EFUP Guidance Further draft Guidance on the Environment Friendly Use Period (EFUP) highlights a few changes. Previously the number of years within the orange logo, which indicates the product contains RoHS substances above the maximum permitted concentration values, ran in sequence 1,2,3,4,5 then in multiples of 5.
中国ROHS 2.0问题解答 | 助企业满足中国ROHS要求 | TÜV南德
efup 标识(此前称为环保使用期限( epup ))中的数字 “10” ,是指在电器电子产品正常使用期间,电器电子产品中的有害物质在正常操作条件下不会泄露或改变、且不会造成严重环境污染、用户严重身体伤害或资产损失的期限。 含有害物质的电器电子产品必须贴上该标识。
Environmental Directives - China - Vicor Corporation
In accordance with the Technical Life Method of the China RoHS EFUP Guidance Draft Document, Vicor has determined the Environmental Friendly Use Period of all Vicor Products shall be Twenty-Five (25) years. Product Marking. Electronic End Products sold in China after March 1, 2007 must be properly marked in accordance with SJ/T 11364-2006.
合规性定义 | TE Connectivity
中国 rohs - 环境友好使用期限 (efup) 标志 . efup e (参见下列绿色标签):有害物质浓度未超过 gb/t 26572-2011 标准(中国对电气和电子产品中某些有害物质的浓度限制要求)的上限。. efup 10 (参见下列橙色标签): 有害物质浓度超过 gb/t 26572-2011 上限。标志中央显示的数字表示 sj/t 11364-2014(中国的电气 ...
China RoHS information | Environmental information (Eco-info) …
China RoHS requires the use of the chasing arrow symbol with an “e” for fully compliant products. If it contains 1 or more of the listed substances above the maximum threshold, then a number between 1 and 99 replaces the “e”. ... (EFUP) for these types of products is contained in the following PCN. See ...
The China RoHS compliance policy - Schurter
Logo 2 is normally in orange and indicates that the material contains certain toxic or hazardous substances and can be used safely during its environmental protection use period (EFUP). This duration is given with the figure in the logo and is indicated in years (e.g. 50 = 50 years EFUP).
The Environmentally Friendly Use Period (EFUP) for all enclosed products and their parts are per the symbol shown here, unless otherwise marked. Certain parts may have a different EFUP (for example, battery modules) and so are marked to reflect such. The EFUP is valid only when