3-500Z data sheet - W7BRS
The Elmac 3-500Z is a compact power triode intended to be used as a zero-bias Class AB 2 amplifier in audio or radio-frequency applications. Operation with zero grid bias simplifies associated circuitry by eliminating the bias supply.
3-500ZG Transmitting Tubes - RF Parts
The Eimac 3-500Z is a compact power triode intended to be used as a zero-bias Class B amplifier in audio or radio-frequency applications. Filament: Thoriated Tungsten
TECHNICAL DATA HIGH-MU POWER TRIODE The EIMAC 3-500Z is a compact power triode intended to be used as a zero-bias Class-AB2 amplifier in audio or radio-frequency applications. Operation with zero grid bias simplifies associated circuitry by eliminating the bias supply.
The EIMAC 3-500Z is a compact power triode intended to be used as a zero- bias Class AB2 amplifier in audio or radio-frequency applications. Operation with zero grid bias simplifies associated circuitry by eliminating the bias supply.
The EIMAC 3-500Z is a compact power triode intended to be used as a zero- bias Class AB2 amplifier in audio or radio-frequency applications. Operation with zero grid bias simplifies associated circuitry by eliminating the bias supply.
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2 KW PEP Linear Amplifier based on pair Eimac® 3-500Z
I acquired some parts from Jim and set out on building the 2 KW Linear based on a pair of 3-500Z tubes. Most of the parts I acquired would help me complete the project, but I had some work to …
3-500Z, Tube 3-500Z; Röhre 3-500Z ID6384, Transmitting Triod ...
Tube 3-500Z or Röhre 3-500Z ID6384, Transmitting Triode, air cooled, SPECIAL TUBEBASE in general and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
Eimac 3-500z zero bias triode tube data sheet
The 3-500z tube is recomended for use in zero bias amplifiers and is a very popular choice in Amateur "Ham" Radio applications. The classic Heathkit SB-220 and Kenwood TL-922 amplifiers used a pair in parallel to produce 2KW PEP input on the HF Amateur Bands.
3-500Z, Eimac, Transmitting, Tube, Metal Plate, Used
The Eimac 3-500Z is a compact power triode intended to be used as a zero-bias Class B amplifier in audio or radio-frequency applications.