How does Eiscue's Ice Face work in detail? : r ... - Reddit
2021年12月25日 · Ice face will only block the first hit of a multi hit. Surging strikes will beat the shit out of eiscue. Ice face only forms the….. ice cube at the end of the turn, if hail is up. From experience, it seems this only happens once, but I could be wrong.
Thoughts on Eiscue : r/stunfisk - Reddit
2019年11月24日 · Eiscue is dead weight against special attackers due to it's ability offering zero protection against special attacks. Having to switch to your secondary form in order to sweep is awkward as hell. If you're opponent is smart, they can leave Ice Head attached and proceed to dispatch of Eiscue with a strong special move because of Ice Head Eiscue ...
Best Eiscue Posts - Reddit
[OC] Buffing Up Sword and Shield P1: I felt like Eiscue was a really unfinished design so I gave it an evolutionary family (Description in the comments) r/pokemon This is the place for most things Pokémon on Reddit—TV shows, video games, toys, trading cards, you name it!
What do you nickname your pokemon. #422: Eiscue : r/pokemon
2020年8月14日 · And so as the title says I'm gonna ask you fine people of reddit to share what nicknames have you people have given Eiscue. Unfortunately I myself have yet to think of a good nickname for these guys but I'm curious as to what y'all …
Mew Vmax experiments with eiscue : r/pkmntcg - Reddit
2022年11月21日 · I play that as well, but the option to bench snipe has came in handy in a lot of matchups. I may also play lost city to put Pokémon in the lost zone. Imagine playing against mew vmax, thinking your radiant is safe on the bench but then I come out of nowhere with an eiscue + lost city getting rid of one of the key components of your deck.
How do I get my Eiscue to learn belly drum? : r ... - Reddit
2019年11月26日 · Breed a female eiscue with a male darmanitan that knows belly drum, most people will recommend also having the darmanitan know icicle crash to also pass it on. Reply reply
Need some help with Eiscue : r/pokemon - Reddit
2019年12月4日 · Breed a female Eiscue with a male Pokémon that knows those moves. You'll need to check egg groups for said Pokémon on a site such as Serebii, Bulbapedia or Pokémon Database. Sometimes you might need to breed Pokémon to pass down a move to be able to breed it with your Eiscue.
eiscue viable in current format? : r/VGC - Reddit
2019年12月28日 · Ice shard eiscue and revenge kill with a fast liquidation). I'm sure you know but using hail to smartly reset ice face is a huge asset. Holding abomasnow in the very back is an option, or dynamaxing eiscue for max hailstorm. I've also been packing ice punch on Conk for dragapults, and so he occasionally max hailstorms as well.
PSA: Hail and Snow both exist in NatDex. Eiscue can use both.
2023年11月2日 · When an Eiscue that's in its Ice Face form is hit by a physical move, it takes no damage and changes into its Noice Face form. If a hailstorm or snowstorm begins while Eiscue is in its Noice Face form, or if it is sent out in its Noice Face form during hail, it will immediately revert to its Ice Face form.
Eiscue glitch : r/pokerogue - Reddit
2024年6月8日 · My rival has Eiscue during my current classic run. The following sequence triggers the glitch each time: I hit Eiscue with a physical attack and proc the ability the rival switches out Eiscue with an unfavorable matchup the rival swaps in Eiscue with ice face already having been activated game freezes