Guide to Pentacam Holladay EKR Report - quickguide.org
2022年1月12日 · The EKR 65 takes into account a weighted mean of 65 percent of corneal power within the 4.5 mm pupil diameter which could help avoid hyperopic surprise in special corneas like Keratoconus. The EKR 65 can be used for IOL power calculation with any standard IOL formula like SRKT, Hoffer Q, Holladay I, etc.
The accuracy of the trifocal IOL calculation using equivalent K ...
2023年8月31日 · The first map is the Holladay equivalent K-readings detail report (EKR 65%). This map is an upgrade of an actual net power map for practical use. For regular corneas (posterior radius equals 82% of anterior radius), cornea optical power values shift to the range of SimK values for the same eye.
2018年1月1日 · Jack T. Holladay, MD, MSEE, FACS Holladay Report Interpretation Guidelines 2018 Page 1 of 12
Predictability of Existing IOL Formulas After Cataract Surgery in ...
2024年4月25日 · Established formulas like the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and Barrett True K formulas remain effective options, while underutilized formulas such as the Equivalent Keratometry Reading (EKR) 65 and Camellin-Calossi formulas also demonstrate potential.
Detailed report of the equivalent K-reading (EKR) for an …
Download scientific diagram | Detailed report of the equivalent K-reading (EKR) for an example LASIK eye. The mean zonal value is shown in the table in the gray shaded central column under the...
Surgical Approach to Cataract Surgery with Keratoconus
Using the Holladay EKR-65 report on the Pentacam with 3 to 4mm simKs has also been used for calculating lens power in severely irregular corneas (see below). A standard K can also be used in patients with K's higher than 55 or in Ks that are unobtainable through biometry.
Pentacam Equivalent K-Reading - Journal of Refractive Surgery
2021年5月31日 · In short, with any tomographer or device that measures both the posterior and anterior radius and the thickness of the cornea, a value (EKR) can be calculated that is equivalent to the K-reading,...
Erd(?)s-Ko-Rado定理相关问题研究 - 百度学术
Erdos-Ko-Rado(简称EKR)定理涉及子集格的交的性质,是研究有限集的交族的最早结果,也是组合极值理论中最经典的结论之一.在过去的几十年间,许多学者研究了EKR定理及其各种推广,给出了EKR定理在其他偏序集上的模拟和极值结构的刻画.本文中我们讨论了EKR定理的一些 ...
查看论文信息 - etdlib.bnu.edu.cn
ekr 定理讨论的是图论中关于有限集族的基数问题。 文章阐述了 EKR 定理提出的背景以及定理的内容和最原始的证明过程。 在此之后,文章梳理了两种更为简短的组合证明方法,考察了这些方法相互间的对比。
EKR ProCom50 中文说明书_word文档在线阅读与下载_文档网
EKR ProCom50 中文说明书相关文档. ekrProCom50拨码开关. ekrPro Com 50 使用说明书(拨码开关部分) 使用说明书(拨码开关部分) 翻译:2008 年 04 月 10 日 5.2 设置拨码开关 触电危险!触电危险! 在未关闭主电源... ekrProCom50接线. ekrPro Com50 使用说明书(接线端接线部分) 使用说明书(接线端接线部分) 翻译:2008 年 04 月 10 ...