Multiple Kill Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) was a planned U.S. missile defense program [1] whose goal was to design, develop, and deploy multiple small kinetic energy-based warheads that can intercept and destroy multiple ballistic missiles, including possible decoy targets (penetration aids).
Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) is the Raytheon -manufactured interceptor component with subcontractor Aerojet of the U.S. Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD), part of the larger National Missile Defense system.
动能拦截弹 - 百度百科
美国本土部署的GBI包括一个外大气层杀伤飞行器(EKV,以碰撞方式摧毁弹头)、三级固体助推火箭以及发射拦截弹所需的地面指挥和发射设备。 波音北美公司和休斯公司(现已并入雷神公司)设计的EKV分别于1997年和1998年进行了试验。 1998年11月,选中雷神公司的EKV。 但波音北美公司继续研制EKV,作为主要的备选方案。 EKV本身是一个能够自主作战的高速飞行器,由红外导引头、制导装置、姿轨控推进系统和通信设备等组成。 雷神公司的EKV重64kg,长 …
GBI Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) - GlobalSecurity.org
2017年2月24日 · MDA is developing an Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV), which acts as the kinetic energy weapon on an interceptor. EKVs could be launched as hit-to-kill weapons...
美军研发下一代外太空拦截杀伤器应对洲际弹道导弹威胁 - 知乎
美军的陆基导弹防御系统目前使用的拦截弹是由雷神公司开发研制的大气层外动能杀伤器(EKV),其主要特征就是在大气层外工作,通过红外热寻装置自行寻找和攻击目标。 美军从1999年开始至今进行了17次陆基导弹防御拦截测试其中只成功了9次,成功率是53%,这让陆基导弹防御系统的能力大受质疑。 后来发现这款载具可靠性存在一定问题,因此现在要开发的新一代多目标拦截载具的目标就是通过提高拦截杀伤载具的可靠性来增强美军陆基拦截能力以应对多枚 …
The Multiple Kill Vehicle | Australian Military Aviation History
2025年1月31日 · Called the Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV), also referred to as a Kinetic Kill Vehicle, it would use the same principles as the original lightweight LEAP. As recalled by engineers on the project, the real challenge was designing such an …
Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle | Raytheon - RTX
Once it has exited the atmosphere, EKV's job begins. The Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle seeks out its target using multi-color sensors, a cutting-edge onboard computer and a rocket motor that helps it steer in space. EKV guides to the target and, with pinpoint precision, destroys the threat using nothing more than the force of a massive collision.
EKVs, RKVs, CKVs, MOKVs and More. (April 26, 2015)
2015年4月26日 · MKV: The Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV – sometimes Miniature Kill Vehicle) program was started by MDA in 2004. Its objective was to produce a kill vehicle small enough that several or many MKVs could be placed on a single interceptor, with each MKV able to intercepting a separate target.
EKV - 百度百科
ekv是美国国家导弹防御系统的一部分,计划1998年和1999年二家公司进行一次传感器试飞和二次拦截器试验。 传感器试飞需要EKV的寻的器,内装焦平面阵列和处理器,并且射向包含模拟再入飞行体、诱铒气球、非核再入飞行体的目标群。
Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicles Tested for Missile Interceptor …
2008年12月9日 · During a missile intercept test conducted December 5, 2008 the Raytheon built Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) carried by the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) missile, intercepted a ballistic missile target in space over the eastern Pacific Ocean. While communicating with ground sensors, the EKV detected, tracked and discriminated the target.
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